Citadel Training Model Practical Exercises CTM 3-4 1
Training Objective Task: Understand the Citadel Training Manual with a particular emphasis on how it impacts you as a thirdclass cadet Condition: Having successfully completed an on-line LTP review of CTM and two in-person CTM classes Standard: As part of a group, correctly apply the five steps of CTM to a thirdclass-specific scenario 2
CTM: Review The Citadel Training Model (CTM) – guides each cadet on the path to being a principled leader – provides some practical guidelines on how to behave as a leader, supervisor, or trainer in order to maximize a mutually respectful relationship with subordinates 3
Review: 5 Steps of CTM Set expectations Build basic skills Give feedback – INPUT+ Follow through with consequences – PRIDE Work for growth in others 4
Practical Exercise #1: Sweep Detail Divide up into the number of groups designated by the TAC Appoint a group leader, recorder, time keeper, spokesman, and devil’s advocate Take seven minutes to develop how you can apply the five steps of CTM to how sweep details will be run in your company as a matter of SOP – Set expectations – Build basic skills – Give feedback INPUT+ – Follow through with consequences PRIDE – Work for growth in others Be prepared to report your results to the class 5
Practical Exercise #2: Sweep Detail Divide up into the number of groups designated by the TAC Appoint a group leader, recorder, time keeper, spokesman, and devil’s advocate Take seven minutes to develop how you can apply the five steps of CTM to a situation toward the end of first semester when 4C performance during sweep details has slackened – Set expectations – Build basic skills – Give feedback INPUT+ – Follow through with consequences PRIDE – Work for growth in others Be prepared to report your results to the class 6
Practical Exercise #3: Commandant’s Inspection Divide up into the number of groups designated by the TAC Appoint a group leader, recorder, time keeper, spokesman, and devil’s advocate Take seven minutes to develop how you can apply the five steps of CTM to, as a squad corporal, helping your squad sergeant prepare the squad for the Commandant’s Inspection – Set expectations – Build basic skills – Give feedback INPUT+ – Follow through with consequences PRIDE – Work for growth in others Be prepared to report your results to the class 7
Practical Exercise #4: Guard Divide up into the number of groups designated by the TAC Appoint a group leader, recorder, time keeper, spokesman, and devil’s advocate Take seven minutes to develop how you can apply the five steps of CTM to, as the corporal of the guard, making a correction on an upperclass cadet who is entering or exiting the barracks in an improper uniform – Set expectations – Build basic skills – Give feedback INPUT+ – Follow through with consequences PRIDE – Work for growth in others Be prepared to report your results to the class 8
Open Discussion If not CTM, what? What are alternate systems that might be equally effective in achieving results and developing people? To what extent do you think CTM will be applicable after you graduate? To what extent do you think yelling, name calling, and abusive leadership will be applicable after you graduate? Any ideas for improving this class? 9