Cleaning pride that hinders us from serving others – Background: Open sandals, thin leather, dirty roads, walking almost everywhere… FILTHY FEET! Foot washing was more than a cultural tradition, it was needed for health & cleanliness Cleaning Hearts By Cleaning Feet
Cleaning pride that hinders us from serving others – Background: Open sandals, thin leather, dirty roads, walking almost everywhere… FILTHY FEET! Foot washing was more than a cultural tradition, it was needed for health & cleanliness – Jesus & His disciples sit down to a formal meal & none washes feet. Why? Arguments over greatness (Luke 22:24) – A sermon without words. Jesus simply prepares Himself and washes their feet. So many lessons! Love and patience to all. They all must become such servants. (John 13:1-17) – When pride fills our hearts we no are no longer able to possess the spirit of servant. What unmet needs are there in our lives that show we aren’t serving as we should? (I Peter 4:10) Cleaning Hearts By Cleaning Feet
Cleaning pride that hinders us from accepting service – Another shocking twist… Peter initially refuses to allow Jesus to wash his feet. It was unthinkable. A degrading act (vs. 6-8) – Jesus doesn’t show appreciation for Peter’s apparent reverence, but gives strong rebuke. There would be no fellowship or place in kingdom for him if he thinks like this (vs. 8-10) – Regardless of the form pride takes in us, it separates us from God. Destroys fellowship. Renders us useless. Keeps us from citizenship in Christ’s kingdom (James 4:6-10) – Those eager to serve may be slow to accept service. We have reasons, but are they cloaks for pride? Remember, if you keep people from serving you, you keep people from serving God! Cleaning Hearts By Cleaning Feet
The mindset behind the Servant – The most difficult time for Jesus, yet He is serving others who aren’t thinking right. How? He KNEW things (John 13:1-5) – Jesus and the nature of true humility – Not low self esteem. He had inner peace and confidence in who He was, where He was from, what He was doing, & where He was going (Phil 2:3-5) – Who we know drives our service. What we know keeps us serving, encourages in difficulties, allows us to accept it. – Jesus was often pictured as God’s Servant. Servants, “bond- slaves,” was a very common description of Christians. It is to be who we are, our nature. It’s discipleship. Cleaning Hearts By Cleaning Feet