The Link2ICT Repository Model David Farrell
Who are we? Link2ICT is a division of Service Birmingham, an innovative strategic partnership between Birmingham City Council and the Capita Group. Link2ICT provide IT solutions and support for Schools, Adult and Youth, Libraries, Museums and Arts. Developers of AQUA MIS and modules. AQUA is recognised as a market leader in supplying Adult Education software to local authorities in England. We have a close partnership with external agencies such as Becta, DCSF, LSC, MIAP.
Collaborations Giunti Labs /HarvestRoad Open University SIFA, Visual Software, Edustructures Catalyst consortia for BSF JISC MIAP RSC Moodle Community Zimbra Community Joomla Community Shibboleth UK Federation RM (IDM)
Our Philosophy To support cradle to grave learning, inclusivity, personalised learning and employability. Accessible, Adaptable, Flexible. Not about technology. Essential to core delivery. Affordable.
Our Vision Create seamless learning and employability network across City - all learners access from school, adult learning, home, specialist areas. Develop a model that can be replicated across UK. All content - learning/employability/portfolio held within a federated repository at core. To use open standards and best of breed applications.
Our Vision
History Pilot a VLE for Adult Education Architecture – separate content from delivery HarvestRoad Hive 2.6 repository Moodle 1.5 NIACE Incorporating Learning Platforms Phase 2 Case Study
Benefits of using a UFR A centralised location for the storing of digital assets Ubiquitously available, federated Tagged, indexed,discoverable, searchable content Supports Collaboration, facilitates sharing Asset Management Work flow Version control/meta-tagging/ copyright management Granular Access control Extendable, scalable, upgradable storage platform Assets not locked into Virtual Learning Environment/provider Bulk uploads using Hive Explorer Reuse/repurpose assets, store once use efficiently Multiple interfaces Standards conformance
History AQUA MLE – Managed Learning Environment HarvestRoad Hive 3.0
History AQUA MLE – links Moodle to AQUA MIS.
Benefits of using a MLE Administer VLE from MIS – course creation/deletion, account creation, learner enrolment, tutor allocation Clone many peer reviewed VLE courses from standard templates – content in UFR, uniform layout, quality and accessibility Quality not quantity - only expose useful content. Keep content visible and up to date. Maximise local content and content creation specialists input in addition to existing purchased or open content Democratic - independent of specialist tutors Link to online enrolment Course Finder
History Single Sign On development Portal Development (Liferay) Schools Pilot Schools Support VLEs Local Group VLEs
2009 IDM Schools Rollout (100 new primary school Moodle/Hive instances by Xmas 2009) SIF Moodle Provisioning Agent AQUA Learning Network (An association of AQUA MIS customers also utilising Moodle/Hive/AQUA MLE and Zimbra) Local Groups – Worklessness, Aston Pride
Future Portal with Shibboleth SSO based on SIF/IDM - Keep VLE light use portlets to personalise interaction Zimbra Collaboration Tools HarvestRoad Hive 4.0 Mobile Delivery E-Portfolio Content Creation – Giunti Labs Packager IDTV
Issues Change of culture Training IPR Simplify Metadata Tagging Security Changing learning cultures e.g. Diplomas
AQUA Portal
Example Links