What If?
Hudson Community School District Introduction to the PLC Process August 15, 2012
What if we could show you a process that would enable you to work smarter; not harder?
What if that process broke down walls? Tony Voss Jeff Dieken Mark Schlatter
What if the process enabled you to truly collaborate on an interdependent goal with your colleagues and provided you with a research proven way to increase student achievement?
PLC is the filing cabinet in which all other initiatives go. It is the dishwasher in which all other initiatives are cleaned and polished.
That process is the PLC at Work!
Richard DuFour: Team vs Group
Three BIG Ideas We accept learning as the fundamental purpose of our school and therefore are willing to examine all practices in light of their impact on learning. We are committed to working together to achieve our collective purpose. We cultivate a collaborative culture through the development of high performing teams. We assess our effectiveness on the basis of results rather than intentions. Individuals, teams, and schools seek relevant data and information and use that information to promote continuous improvement.
Four Main Questions 1.What is it we want all of our students to learn? 2.How will we know they have learned it? 3.How will we respond to those who have not learned it? 4.How will we respond to those who have learned it?
Where do we go from Here? Sept. 12Develop team norms Sept. 26What is an Essential Learning? Oct. 10Develop SMART Goals Jan. 23What are Common Assessments? March 13Responding when students don’t learn April 17Responding when students already know
BREAK! See you in 10 minutes! =] Countdown
We have the perfect teacher here at Hudson! But it’s not just one of us… It’s ALL of us!
What is our current culture? Essential questions activity or
Question 1: I believe all kids can learn.
Question 2: I believe that educators are the key contributors to student learning.
Question 3: I believe that education is critical to the future of our students.
Question 4: I believe we can make a difference in the lives of kids.
Raj and Sheldon
Collaborative culture Take a card, identify and meet with your “partner” in the commons, and answer the first question on the sheet. When time is called, meet up with your other good friends, and make a list of the common traits, listing them in #2. You will form a “super-group” when your family combines with another to answer question #3.
Things That Make You Go “Hmmm…”