Can the Islamic World and democracy coexist? By: Hemal Dhanjee
The Islamic World Islamic based countries throughout the world Comprised of 55 nations, 1.4 billion people (Almost 1/3 of the world’s population) The Heart of the Islamic world is the Middle East Some Islamic countries are located in parts of Northern Africa, and small parts of Asia
The Islamic World and democracy “Can the Islamic World and democracy coexist?” has been asked for many years. Significant through 9/11 Democracy building remains an uphill struggle for many Muslim countries Currently, there are no Islamic countries that are a full-fledged democracy
Questions Is democracy strictly a Western concept? Does Muslim fundamentalism destroy all aspects of democracy? Can Islamic society live safely and harmoniously under the rule of authoritative regimes? Are Muslim extremists holding back the Islamic World from democratizing? Does the Qur’an and Shari’a law preach “undemocratic behaviour”?
Thesis The Islamic World and democracy cannot coexist because of the prevalence of corrupt governments, conservative Islam’s disregard for human rights, and the grip of influence that Muslim extremists have on the development of Islam.
Arguments The prevalence of corrupt governments in Islamic dominated countries makes democracy building difficult The Islamic world is fundamentally undemocratic because the beliefs and ideologies of conservative Muslim’s are opposed to the democratic value of human rights Democracy cannot prevail in the Islamic World because of the strong influence that Muslim extremists have on society.
Islam and democracy cannot coexist because of the prevalence of corrupt governments, conservative Islam’s disregard for human rights, and the grip of influence that Muslim extremists have on the development of Islam. Argument 1: The prevalence of corrupt governments. Most Muslim countries = dysfunctional, corrupt, repressive states are neither willing nor capable of reform. elites and tribal/traditional leaders usually keep a monopoly over state power. Countries like Afghanistan cannot democratize by themselves because the only candidates they can vote for are corrupt. Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Palestine, former Iraq Can corruption and democracy really work?
Islam and democracy cannot coexist because of the prevalence of corrupt governments, Conservative Islam’s disregard for human rights, and the grip of influence that Muslim extremists have on the development of Islam. Argument 2: Conservative Islam’s disregard for human rights World of Islam is dominated by Conservative Muslims = Muslims who have a medieval interpretation of the Qur’an and Sharia law (Not open to change) The Muslim world cannot be democratic until it reforms its position on women. Conservative Muslims are reluctant to practice basic human rights They objected to several articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Equality of marriage rights (Muslim-non-Muslim marriage is forbidden) Freedom to change ones religion or belief Equality of gender roles and obligations How can the Islamic World be democratic if there is such a strong belief against Human Rights?
Islam and democracy cannot coexist because of the prevalence of corrupt governments, conservative Islam’s disregard for human rights, and the grip of influence that Muslim extremists have on the development of Islam. Argument 3: The grip of influence that Muslim extremists have on the development of Islam. Islamic extremists are growing in popularity Terrorist groups (al-Qaeda) are antithetical to democratic values Terrorist Organization’s focus on religious zeal to appeal to the masses. Belief that dictatorship is good Allows terrorist groups to take advantage. Example: Terrorist organization “Hamas” elected party of Palestine. Doesn’t democracy look bleak if terrorist organizations are gaining responsible roles in government?
Counter Arguments Women are slowly, but surely, being liberated and granted human rights they have never had before. Even though conservative Muslims are having a strong impact on the Islamic World, reformist and secular Muslims are gaining a stronger voice. Terrorist Organizations can provide for the betterment of society once they are given political power. ( Hamas’ new democratic outlook seems promising. Not only was this the first time that Hamas participated in elections, but they campaigned entirely on an anticorruption, social services and assertive nationalism plan. )
Works Cited Aisha Ahmad. Warload Democracy in Afghanistan Feb ml ml Brian Handwerk. Can Islam and Democracy Coexist? Feb _islamicdemocracy.html _islamicdemocra Hearnden, Alexis. Islam and Democracy. 29 June Mar Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Beyond the Headlines: The Hamas Democracy Hypocrisy. 28 Sep Mar Mohadessin, Mohammad. Islamic Fundamentalism Mar Smock, David. Islam and Democracy Feb