- 1 - DPNM European Initiative on Future Internet: 4WARD Mi-jung Choi DP&NM Lab. Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering POSTECH, Korea
- 2 - DPNM Outline What is Future Internet? Research Roadmap of Future Internet 4WARD –Overview –Research Goal –Key Issues –Work Packages Summary
- 3 - DPNM What is Future Internet? Need to rethink the fundamental assumptions and design decisions underlying its current architecture Two principal ways in which to evolve or change a system –Evolutionary approach (Incremental): a system is moved from one state to another with incremental patches –Revolutionary approach (Clean-slate): the system is redesigned from scratch to offer improved abstractions and/or performance, while providing similar functionality based on new core principles Future Internet? –Clean Slate design of the Internet’s architecture to satisfy the growing demands –Management issues of Future Internet also need to be considered from the stage of design Research Goal for Future Internet –Performing research for Future Internet and designing new network architectures –Building an experimental facility
- 4 - DPNM Research Roadmaps of Future Internet Now EU NGI FP6FP7 Euro-NGI(€5M) FIRE Euro-FGI 2006 US 2006 PlanetLab 2002 NSF GENI($365M) GENI NSF NeTS-Find($40M) Innovative Technology JP e-JAPAN 2002 u-JAPAN NGN R1/2 NGN R JGN IIPost JGN II 2008 Overlay Architecture Architecture Projects Overlay Projects Future Network 2007
- 5 - DPNM 4WARD – Overview (1) Architecture and Design for the Future Internet A project of the European Union in the 7th framework program and develops methods, concepts and architectures for networks of the future Duration –Jan ~ Dec Web Site – Cost –Total cost: M€ –EC contribution: M€
- 6 - DPNM 4WARD – Overview (2) Project coordinator –Henrik Abramowicz, Ericsson Partners –37 projects partners –Ericsson –Nokia Siemens Networks –Siemens Program and System Engineering SRL Brasov –Alcatel-Lucent –NEC Europe Ltd. –Deutsche Telekom AG –France Telecom –Telecom Italia S.p.A. –Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. –Portugal Telecom Inovacao –SA Telefonica –University: Paris 6, Berlin, Surrey, Basel, Bremen, Lancaster, Lisbon, etc. –SICS: Swedish Institute of Computer Science AB. –Etc.
- 7 - DPNM 4WARD Partners
- 8 - DPNM 4WARD’s Research Goal Overcomes current Internet architectural impasse through a set of radical architectural approaches built on mobile and wireless background Improve ability to design interoperable and complementary families of network architecture Enable the co-existence of multiple networks on common platforms Enhance the utility of networks by making them self- managing Increase robustness and efficiency of networks by leveraging diversity Improve application support by a new information-centric paradigm
- 9 - DPNM 4WARD’s Strategic Objective By creating a family of dependable and interoperable networks providing direct and ubiquitous access to information –Increase the competitiveness of the European networking industry –Improve the quality of life for European citizens Goal –Make the development of networks and networked applications faster and easier, leading to both more advanced and more affordable communication services
DPNM Key Issues Interoperability –A mew approach to a multitude of networks –Create a framework for many networks to bloom as part of a family of interoperable networks that can coexist and complement each other Self-Management –Have a ‘default-on’ management entity, which is an inseparable part of the network itself –Capable of adjusting itself to difference network sizes, configurations, and external conditions Active Network Path –Consider a path as an active part of the network that controls itself and provides customized transport services Information-Centric –Build a network as a network of information and services where services and information are mobile and distributed
DPNM Technical Approach (1) Combine –Innovations needed to improve the operation of any single network architecture –Multiple different and specialized network architecture Work –On innovations overcoming the shortcomings of current communication networks (Internet) –In a framework that allows the coexistence, interoperability, and complementarity of several network architecture –In an integrated fashion, avoiding pitfalls like the current Internet’s ‘patch on a patch’ approach
DPNM Technical Approach (2) Structured into 6 work packages –3 packages: consider innovations for a single network architecture –1 package: study the use of virtualization to allow multiple networking architectures to coexist on the same infrastructure –1 package: Look at the design and development of interoperable architectures –1 package: Ensure that all envisaged developments take proper account of essential non-technical issues
DPNM Work Phases
DPNM Projects 6 work packages
DPNM Work Packages
DPNM WP1: BIRD Business Innovation, Regulation and Dissemination To understand and assess both how new technology may foster new usages and business models as well as how new usages and societal trends may require new or enhanced technologies To investigate implications of policy and governance on networking technologies (including regulation) and vice versa Dissemination and External Collaboration
DPNM WP2: New APC New Architectural Principles and Concepts
DPNM WP3: VNET Network Virtualisation Task 3.1: Virtualisation Architecture and Scenarios Task 3.2: Virtualisation of Network Resources Task 3.3: Provisioning of Virtual Networks and Virtualisation Management Task 3.4: Evaluation Joint Tasks with other work packages: –Task TC23: Joint Task with NewAPC –Task TC34: Joint Task with InNetMgmt –Task TC356: Joint Task with ForMux and NetInf
DPNM WP4: INM In Network Management Evaluate and demonstrate the INM approach to embedded autonomic self- management for selected scenarios Providing abstractions and a framework for a self-organizing management plane Design and implement a thin pervasive self-organizing network management plane –provide access to and communication between local self-management functions embedded in the network –organize itself within a given network and adapts to dynamic changes of network topology and structure Develop registration and access mechanisms for embedded self-descriptive management functions provided by participating nodes within the management plane Define a scheme, strategies, and protocols for collaborative monitoring, self- optimizing, and self-healing Investigate search engine technologies for retrieval of information from an information base that is unstructured, incomplete, timed out and/or faulty Apply the in-network management approach to virtual networks and a network of information investigated in WP3 and WP6
DPNM WP5: ForMux Forwarding and Multiplexing for Generic Paths (ForMux) Task 5.1: Path generalizations in a functional architecture Task 5.2: Generic paths by cooperation and coding mechanisms Task 5.3: Realizing a generic path by routing Task 5.4: Interactions of multiple generic paths Task 5.5: Mobility by generic path Task 5.6: Evaluation in proof-of-concept testbeds Task TC356: Joint Task with WP3(VNet) and WP6 (NetInf)
DPNM WP6: NetInf Network of Information Task 6-1: NetInf Architecture Task 6-2: Information modeling Task 6-3: Basic dissemination mechanisms and services Task 6-4: Non- dissemination and delay-sensitive services Task 6-5: NetInf evaluation Task C46: Joint task of WP4 (InNetMgmt) and WP6 (NetInf) Task C356: Joint task of WP3 (Vnet), WP5 (ForMux) and WP6 (NetInf)
DPNM WPs Summary
DPNM 4WARD Interactions
DPNM Summary Inherent integration of self-management Increasing the amount of network features reliably available to end-user applications –Like mobility, QoS, security but also scalability, deploy-ability Driving innovation and new business opportunities into the network layer Defining a systems approach to the Future Internet Drive the work from the mobile and wireless perspectives
DPNM Question and Discussion