How did both, capitalist and communist, coexist after World War 2? 1.The World After World War 2 -Yalta Conference -United Nations -Growing resistance 2. America’s policies -Marshal Plan -Containment/ Truman Doctrine -NATO 3. Russia’s Ideal’s -Iron Curtain -Warsaw Pact -Berlin Blockade
Yalta conference Meeting at the Russian city of Yalta Agreed on splitting Berlin and Germany into areas of occupation Germany took East Berlin & East Germany United States and Britain took West Germany & West Berlin
United Nations Created almost in image of League of Nations 48 Nations joined at its conception 5 Permanent members: U.S., Britain, China, France, and Soviet Union Created to “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.”
Growing Resistance Before World War 2 ended U.S. and U.S.S.R. were getting restless with each other. Stalin was angered by the time it took to open a two-front war Disagreed with best way to Deal with Germany
Marshall Plan Named after George Marshall Designed to help rebuild Europe. Provided food, supplies, money, and machines to other countries in need Used to prevent Communism
Containment/Truman Doctrine Containment: policy used to stop to spread of communism. American policy based off containment. Truman Doctrine was created to give money to countries fighting communism, or changing to democracy.
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization Members promised armed helped for any nation in NATO
Iron Curtain Stalin promised elections in eastern European countries Term called for from East Germany to Russian Buffer zone
Warsaw Pact 1955 Alliance to counter NATO Contained Soviet Union, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania. Communist countries and Curtain countries
Berlin Blockade Russians Blockaded West Berlin to Starve out the people. Goal to frighten Capitalist Flown Supplies for over 11 months Brinkmanship- willing to go to as close to war as possible U2 Spy plane- American Spy plane shot down, pilot held for 19 months