Can science and Islam coexist? Sort of. Maybe. With difficulty. Taner Edis Department of Physics Truman State University
Theistic problems with science Modern science has become relentlessly naturalistic: –Physics & Cosmology: quantum randomness, no creation. –Biology: No intelligent design. –Cognitive neuroscience: no soul. Islam is full of supernaturalism: gods and demons, revelation, souls, etc… 2012Trinity2
Specifically Muslim problems Currently lagging far behind in science. Basic science is a Western import. Popular response is often pseudoscientific. Example: world’s strongest creationism. 2012Trinity3
Conservatives Let’s look at some influential conservatives first. All rhetorically very enthusiastic about science, but very traditional in interpreting religion. Creationists, or at least proponents of a traditional form of “intelligent design.” 2012Trinity4
2012Trinity5 Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
2012Trinity6 Sayyid Abul A’la Al-Mawdudi
2012Trinity7 Fethullah Gülen
Moderates People who have a stronger reputation as devout intellectuals. Flirt with creationism, but tend toward guided evolution and evolution that excludes humans, since the Quran speaks of the special creation of humans. (al-Hijr 15: 26-44, Ta-Ha 20: and more…) 2012Trinity8
2012Trinity9 Süleyman Ateş
2012Trinity10 Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Natural scientists Usually preserve some notion of intelligent design, though often more vague than creationist versions. Arbitrary philosophical limitations on science, in order to defend faith. Dubious reinterpretation of scripture. Under pressure by conservatives. 2012Trinity11
2012Trinity12 Nidhal Guessoum
2012Trinity13 Ehab Abouheif
Harmony? Current popular, conservative varieties of Islam actively conflict with certain areas of modern science. Liberal forms of Islam hold promise of institutional accommodation with science, but are politically weak. Supernaturalism will lead to conflict, unless science changes radically. 2012Trinity14