11 Competition Chapter 13 Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.


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Presentation transcript:

11 Competition Chapter 13 Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.


33 Modes of Competition Interference: – Intraspecific: – Interspecific: –

44 Bart’s hay field…

55 Intraspecific Competition Among Herbaceous Plants Plants compete for… Competition is more intense at … Self-Thinning (-3/2 or -1/2 slope rule) ¿How does this explain influence spacing in plants?

66 What pattern is present? Why? Intraspecific Competition Among Herbaceous Plants

77 Niches Niche: Gause: – Two species with identical niches cannot coexist indefinitely. One will be a better competitor and thus have higher fitness and eventually exclude the other.

88 Niches Hutchinson defined niche as: – n equates the number of environmental factors important to survival and reproduction of a species. – - hypervolume – includes interactions such as competition that may restrict environments where a species may live.

99 Feeding Niches of Galapagos Finches How have these finches partitioned the seed resources available?

10 Feeding Niches of Galapagos Finches – Grant found differences in beak size among ground finches translates directly into diet. Size of seeds eaten can be estimated by measuring beak depths. – Individuals with deepest beaks fed on hardest seeds. After 1977 drought, the remaining seeds were very hard. Thus, mortality was most heavy in birds with smaller beaks.

11 Mathematical and Laboratory Models Metz summarized models: – Abstractions and simplifications, not facsimiles of nature. – Man-made construct; partly empirical and partly deductive. – Used to provide insights into natural phenomena.

12 Lotka Volterra In general, LV predicts coexistence of two species when, for both species, interspecific competition is ___________ than intraspecific competition.

13 Paramecia Lab Experiments What happened when grown together?

14 Paramecia Lab Experiments Gause demonstrated resource limitation with Paramecium caudatum and Paramecium aurelia in presence of two different concentrations of Bacillus pyocyaneus. – When grown alone, carrying capacity determined by intraspecific competition. – When grown together, P. caudatum quickly declined. Reduced resource supplies increased competition. ?

15 Competition and Niches Competition can restrict species to their realized niches. – But if competitive interactions are strong and pervasive enough, they may produce an evolutionary response in the competitor population. Changes _______________________.

16 Niches and Competition Among Plants Tansley suggested interspecific competition restricts realized niche of each of two species of bedstraw (Galium spp.) to a narrower range of soil types. Can you think of other variables/resources that could be partitioned?

17 What limits Chthamalus here? What limits Chthamalus here? What limits Chthamalus here?

18 What effect did Balanus removal have?


20 Competition and Niches of Small Rodents

21 Competition and Niches of Small Rodents Brown studied competition among rodents in Chihuahuan Desert. – Predicted if competition among rodents is mainly for food, then small granivorous rodent populations would increase in response to removal of larger granivorous rodents. Insectivorous rodents would show little or no response. Results supported hypothesis.

22 Character Displacement Because degree of competition is assumed to depend upon degree of niche overlap, interspecific competition has been predicted to lead to directional selection for reduced niche overlap.

23 Character Displacement

24 Character Displacement Taper and Case: Necessary criteria: – Morphological differences between __________ ___________ are statistically greater than differences between ___________ ___________. – Differences between sympatric and allopatric populations have ___________ _______. – Differences between sympatric and allopatric populations evolved in place, and are ____ _____ ____________ __________ __________ already differing in the character.

25 Taper and Case: Characteristics – Variation in the character must have a ______ ____________ on use of resources. – Must be demonstrated ______________ for the resource and competition must be directly correlated with character similarity. – Differences in character cannot be explained by differences in resources available to each of the populations.


27 Lotka Volterra Effect of interspecific competition on population growth of each species: – dN 1 / d t = r m1 N 1 ((K 1 -N 1 -  12 N 2 ) / K 1 ) – dN 2 / d t = r m2 N 2 ((K 2 -N 2 -  21 N 1 ) / K 2 )  12 : Effect of individual of species 2 on rate of pop. growth of species 1.  21 : Effect of individual of species 1 on rate of pop. growth of species 2.

28 Lotka Volterra

29 Lotka Volterra Predict population growth for the two species will stop when: – N 1 =K 1-  12 N 2 and N 2 = K 2-  21 N 1 Zero Growth Isoclines – Above: Population decreasing – Below: Population increasing Coexistence of two species is only possible when isoclines cross.

30 Flour Beetle Experiments Tribolium beetles infest stored grain products. – Park studied interspecific competition between T. confusum and T. castaneum under varied environmental conditions. Growing the two species together suggested interspecific competition restricts the realized niches of both species to fewer environmental conditions.

31 Niche Overlap and Competition Between Barnacles Connell discovered interspecific competition in barnacles. Balanus plays a role in determining lower limit of Chthamalus within intertidal zone. – Did not account for all observed patterns.