Non-Verbal Activity – making your own decisions and not following others you will move to one side of the room to show agreement or disagreement with the following statements. We will then talk about our choices.
To be a good citizen, one should always do what the government expects and follow the law.
Protecting people that the government says are criminals or who have broken the law is wrong.
People who do cruel things can still be good people.
Whenever groups of different people coexist (live together in the same place), there will be a struggle for power.
Everyone is capable of murder.
Most people are followers.
Every person is essentially good.
Society as a whole does not tolerate outsiders or people who are different.
Freedom is relative and can mean something different to each person.
The force of good is stronger than that of evil. Good will always win.
1. What did you observe during the activity? What did you notice or see? 2. What question stood out to you? -confusing, hard to answer, easiest 3. How did you feel during the activity? 4. Would you change an answer now that we are finished? Why or why not? 5. Connection to the story of Anne Frank??? ***You will need your writer’s notebook to copy the vocabulary for Anne Frank.
PrejudiceForming a judgment without any facts, evidence, or experience RacismSystem of oppression where race determines cultural advantages and disadvantages NaziGermany's National Socialist party controlled by Adolf Hitler from Ethnic CleansingDisplacement of an ethnic group to achieve homogeneity Anti-SemitismHatred or persecution aimed at the Jewish community
SemitePerson of Middle Eastern (usually Jewish) descent DiscriminationRecognition of differences among people and making choices based on those differences StereotypingGeneralizing a group of people based on minimal or limited knowledge about that group of people BiasThe sense of having a preference to one particular point of view or perspective HolocaustNazi party's deliberate execution of millions of Jews and minorities during World War II