Welcome Monday 15 December 2008 Sunley Management Centre
The journey towards world class healthcare in Northamptonshire Prof. Will Pope Chair, Northamptonshire NHS tPCT
Context County-wide PCT serving a population of 650,000 We have moved from the inherited deficit to a surplus on our £907m budget We work with multiple partners including 7 Local Authorities and a County Council – JSNA + LAA An ‘average’ population with some real deprivation ‘hot spots’ 100% PBC coverage 4 Main providers United Health
Demography and Inequality: 15% rural and 85% urban Mix of the best and worst social settings - with Corby being a designated ‘spearhead’ centre Large geographical area Key challenges relate to lifestyle choices Demographic Context ’
Rate of Obesity
PCT Health Index
Vision The PCT’s Strategic Plan has been…….. developed together with our partners and builds upon our Joint Needs Assessment work. The plan also responds to identified local need, and the findings and recommendations of the “Our NHS, Our Future” work. “The Vision for Northamptonshire tPCT is to……” reduce overall mortality – adding years to life help people to live healthier lives and improve their well-being – adding life to years improve satisfaction with NHS services
Strategic plan Reduce overall mortality Enhance lifestyles and wellbeing and tackling obesity Improve patient satisfaction The Vision The Strategic ThemesThe Priorities £3.8m Heart disease £4.2m Cancer £10.2m Stroke £1.2m Smoking Obesity Chronic disease £5m Children’s £27.5m Mental health £15.5m Models of care Public / Patient engagement Improve outcomes for the top 3 killers Impacting the key risk factors, focusing on the top 2 longer term killers Commissioning better quality services in 3 key areas £67m To tackle inequalities and deliver
9 The Individual World Class Commissioning
Evidence and Innovation Robust data Intelligent information Research Innovation Evaluation
Strategic Plan Reduce overall mortality Enhance lifestyles and wellbeing and tackling obesity Improve patient satisfaction The Vision The Strategic ThemesThe Priorities £3.8m Heart disease £4.2m Cancer £10.2m Stroke £1.2m Smoking Obesity Chronic disease £5m Children’s £27.5m Mental health £15.5m Models of care Public / Patient engagement Improve outcomes for the top 3 killers Impacting the key risk factors, focusing on the top 2 longer term killers Commissioning better quality services in 3 key areas £67m To tackle inequalities and deliver PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND WELLBEING MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING COMMUNITY ACQUIRED INFECTION INNOVATION