Last Ruler of Golden Age Florence Lorenzo de’ Medici Last Ruler of Golden Age Florence
Lorenzo in politics Lorenzo was a member of the powerful Medici family in Florence, Italy during the Renaissance. He wasn’t very skilled in keeping the assets of the Medici Bank in check, thus losing many assets. This caused him to be considered a tyrant by his enemies.
The Pazzi Conspiracy A rival family, the Pazzi, also had a bank. They conspired with the Archbishop of Pisa and Pope Sixtus IV to assassinate Lorenzo and his co ruler/brother Giuliano on Easter Sunday, April 26, 1478. They struck, stabbing Lorenzo, who escaped, and managing to kill Guiliano.
The Pazzi Conspiracy cont. Lorenzo brutally crushed the conspirators and the Archbishop was lynched. The Pope excommunicated Lorenzo and got the Kingdom of Naples to attack Florence. To prevent this, Lorenzo went to Naples alone. He convinced the king to conclude to peace. He had saved Florence. The Pope could only agree with Naples.
Lorenzo de’ Magnificent Lorenzo was called “the magnificent” and assumed the title of Duke. Lorenzo was a man of the arts, he even wrote poetry. He treated artists like members of the family. Later on in life, he founded a school of sculpture and housed two important artists: Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. He died at age 43. When he died a new age started. Columbus reached America 6 months later.
Lorenzo’s Children Two of his sons grew up to be Pope, Pope Leo X and Pope Clement VII. His first son and his political heir, Piero 'the Unfortunate', squandered his father's patrimony and brought down his father's dynasty in Florence. Another Medici, his brother Giovanni, restored it.
Lorenzo de’ Magnificent
Florence on the Map
Modern Florence
Leonardo da Vinci
The Medici Bank