Corruption of Church 14th and 15th Century
Basis of Middle-Ages Religion Catholicism was the only recognized religion o belief in Jesus Christ o derived from the Old French word "catholique," the Middle English word "catholik," and the Old French word "catholicus" o means universal or whole Dominated life o imposed taxes o controlled rulers of countries o disloyalty could result in excommunication
Relics The church took advantage of the ignorance of people, maximized profit from selling "relics" o Sold ordinary objects Established connection to god/Jesus o Purchaser thought they were honoring/pleasing god Examples: o piece of Noah's ark o soot from furnace of 3 children o Virgin Mary's milk o Baby Jesus Tooth
Indulgences Certificates that pardoned a person's sins and gave them access to heaven Pre-signed by Pope and sold by pardoners Abused by corrupt clergy Rich before poor
Inquisition (12-17th century) As Christian beliefs developed, Satan's role became more defined Those who disagreed with church labeled as agents of evil Initially to keep faithful in line Later more radical and corrupt Trials, torture, killing, burning Non-Christians died
Corruption of Priests in the time of Chaucer 1. Priestly marriage and concubinage existed throughout the middle ages. (Concubinage= Man and women in relationship, never to be married) 2. Some priests even had children with their concubines 3. The Cluny Movement was a movement that condemmed priestly marriage 4. Higher Church authorities (Bishops, Popes) often made no move to punish these priests and often had concubines themselves. 5. Simony was rampant (selling of church positions, often to unqualified recipients)
The Pope Struggles Pope Gregory XI dies in 1378 and cardinals elect Pope Urban VI. He got progressively radical throughout his service, trying to end all church corruption. Began meddling into church politics, which interfered with French interests. French cardinals declare Urbans election void and elect Clement VII, known as the "Butcher of Cessna" (Nice...)
Impact of Corruption Catholic church gains money and power 1517 Martin Luther demands reformation o New splits of Christianity o End of indulgences o Work on other corruption
Bibliography a htm Angels_and_Demons/satan_brief_history3.php