Emperor Constantine Reigned
42 months (Daniel 7) … 1 day = 1 year 42 x 30 = years a time and times and the dividing of a time (Revelation 13) … 3 ½ x 360 = years
same length of time as Israel in the wilderness in Revelation 12 3 ½ times = years a ‘time’ = 360 years
538 AD – Emperor Justinian elevates Bishop of Rome to position of Head of all Churches 1798 – French General Berthier, under Napoleon, leads pope into captivity – end of papal power to enforce decrees years
606 AD – Emperor Phocas bows in submission to Pope Boneface III in Rome declaring him the “true and lawful head over all the churches of Christendom” 1866 – Austria is subdued by non-Catholic Prussia on July 3 rd being the last papal power following the overthrow of France, Spain etc years
754 – 756 King Pepin of the Franks, after invading Lombard territory, gave the pope temporal power of the papal states – now no longer a subject of the Byzantine Empire but an independent head of state … 2014 ?? years
II Thessalonians 2 v 3 …