Good Morning! Wednesday Dec 19, Fix any work that did not follow directions – return for a grade! 2.Turn in any 13 Terms to Know 3.Open text book to Chapter 13, section 1 4.Work on the TERMS at the top of the new Green Sheet – use 13.1 (most are not typical Vocab words) May 15, 2015
Good Morning! Thursday Dec 20, All graded work will be given back tomorrow 2.TOMORROW: Early release 11:15 (27 minute classes) 3.TURN IN GREEN SHEET 13.1 (with Terms attached!) 4.IN YOUR NOTEBOOKS: answer these questions: 13.1 The Crusades a.State the main goal of the Crusades: b.What year did the Muslims first recapture Edessa? c.What is the last year of the last crusade? 5.Open your book to page 293 May 15, 2015
The Crusades May 15, 2015
BRAINSTORM: can you name 3 major themes or topics of information that summarize the European Middle Ages? WITHOUT YOUR BOOK
May 15, % of reading assignment – to be done WITH the reading, not after – invest in a highlighter! 1.Open your notebook (REQUIRE DAILY MATERIALS EVERY DAY!) 2.Write down the chapter 13 section 2 BUZZWORDS!
Get ready to continue with The Plague video – remind yourself of “watching video” procedures 13.2 FIB outline is due tomorrow – if you have it today you may turn it in DON’T FORGET TO HIGHLIGHT AS YOU READ Write & answer these questions in your notes – use your book if necessary: 13.2 Trade & Growth of Towns –Name the trade organization whose purpose was to protect its members from attacks by pirates and foreign competition? –What was “the Black Death”? –When did the Black Death begin? End? May 15, 2015
Henry II of England common law Thomas Becket King John of England Magna Carta Parliament War of the Roses Hugh Capet Capatian Dynasty Philip II Augustus Louis IX of France Estates General Hundred Years’ War May 15, 2015 Edward III of England Battle of Agincourt Joan of Arc Battle of Orléans Charles VII of France nationalism Otto I of Germany Hapsburg Family Holy Roman Empire Reconquista Ferdinand of Argon Isabella of Castile The Inquisition
1.I.A.1 Goal of the Crusades: 2.II.A List actions/facts about the increase of trade 3.II.B List events in the growth of towns 4.II.D.2 Poem by Dante: 5.III.A.1 3 things Henry II did for the law 6.III.A.2 War of the Roses: (1) where? (2) sides (3) why fight? (4) what’s with the roses? (5) winner May 15, 2015
TOPICFACTS years combatants reason war started PHASE 1 PHASE 2 winner Key people results
May 15, 2015 TOPICFACT years (116 years!) combatants England vs. France reason war started Who would control Western France PHASE 1 *King Edward III leads English wins *English use of longbows *famous battle at Agincourt, France PHASE 2 *French wins *Joan of Arc leads France to victory at Orleans *Charles VII runs English out of France except around Calais Key people King Charles VII(F), Joan of Arc (F), Edward III (E), Henry V (E) results *power of English & French kings strengthened *territories stay the same (France keeps Western France) *economic damage
May 15, 2015 FACTSOPINIONS Peter was an older manmistreated by the Turks made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem a few years previously forced to turn back short staturelowly appearance swarthypower to move men long, lean face went barefoot clothes were filthy preaching the Crusades men and women left their homes to follow him he reached Cologne followers estimated 15,000 persons
1.III.B.1 Hugh Capet (1) who? (2) actions? 2.III.B.1 Louis IX (1) who? (2) why made a saint? 3.III.B.2 Joan of Arc (1) who? (2) actions? 4.IV.A.2 “Even the popes have to obey Church authority” comes from where? 5.IV.B.1 John Wycliffe’s followers: 6.IV.B.2 Jan Hus wanted to end: May 15, 2015
Henry II of England common law Thomas Becket King John of England Magna Carta Parliament War of the Roses Hugh Capet Capatian Dynasty Philip II Augustus Louis IX of France Estates General Hundred Years’ War May 15, 2015 Edward III of England Battle of Agincourt Joan of Arc Battle of Orléans Charles VII of France nationalism Otto I of Germany Hapsburg Family Holy Roman Empire Reconquista Ferdinand of Argon Isabella of Castile The Inquisition
May 15, 2015 Quick Medieval Timeline write this down – screen will change at 11: German King Otto I becomes Holy Roman Emperor 987 Hugh Capet becomes king of France The Crusades to recapture the Holy Land 1099 First crusader state established in Edessa King Henry II rules as king of England 1170 Thomas Becket is murdered King John is king of England 1215 King John signs Magna Carta 1295 English Parliament meets for 1 st time Hundred Years’ War 1429 Joan of Arc is hero of Battle of Orleans War of the Roses in England 1492 Reconquista of Spain is complete
May 15, 2015 Religious Turmoil in Medieval Times _____ ____-____ _____ ___ - ___ _____ French Pope Clement V moved from Rome to Avignon, France Italian Pope Gregory XI returns papacy to Rome Pope Gregory XI dies, Italian Urban VI elected pope; Cardinals try to elect new pope, French Clement VII Great Schism: official popes in Rome, antipopes in Avignon England introduces death penalty for heretics Lollard uprising put down Council of Constance: Martin V elected pope; ends Great Schism; general council established that even the popes had to obey Jan Hus burned at the stake
Medieval Achievements philosophyeducationliterature May 15, 2015
Medieval Achievements philosophyeducationliterature St. Thomas Aquinas – wanted to unite classical, Christian, and worldly knowledge (first to try this) First universities (Paris, France; Bologna, Italy; Oxford, England) Written in vernacular – reached large audience John Wycliffe – new ideas about the Church, wanted reforms (stop paying for indulgence, clergy shouldn’t be wealthy, Dante – wrote The Divine Comedy, most inspiring Christian poem – first description of hell Bible is highest authority, eople should read the bible themselves) English poet Geoffrey Chaucer – The Canterbury Tales May 15, 2015
Religious Turmoil in Medieval Times French Pope Clement V moved from Rome to Avignon, France Italian Pope Gregory XI returns papacy to Rome Pope Gregory XI dies, Italian Urban VI elected pope; Cardinals try to elect new pope, French Clement VII Great Schism: official popes in Rome, antipopes in Avignon England introduces death penalty for heretics Lollard uprising put down Council of Constance: Martin V elected pope; ends Great Schism; general council established that even the popes had to obey Jan Hus burned at the stake
May 15, 2015