Filled the power vacuum left from the collapse of the classical world. Operated on the Monasticism: – a religious way of life that involves renouncing.


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Presentation transcript:

Filled the power vacuum left from the collapse of the classical world. Operated on the Monasticism: – a religious way of life that involves renouncing worldly pursuits in order to fully devote one's self to spiritual work. Benedictine Rule of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Provided schools for the children of the upper class. Libraries & scriptoria to copy books and illuminate manuscripts. Monks  missionaries to the barbarians.

Each village or town had a number of priests Each priest was overseen by a bishop A group of bishops (regionally) was overseen by an archbishop The archbishops reported directly to the Pope in Vatican City.

PopeArchbishopBishop Priests & Monks Parishioners

Monks were the lowest level of the church. Primary jobs: – Help the poor and transient – Copy books by hand Important in spreading Christianity around Europe.

Life for people in the Middle Ages was short and hard. People comforted by the Roman Catholic belief that they would go to heaven if they followed the church’s teachings. Also feared punishment after death for not following the church’s teachings.

Church had great economic power. – Collecting fiefs from lords in exchange for services performed by clergy. Single largest land owner in Europe – Tithe – a tax Christians were required to pay that equaled 10% of their income – Indulgences – a monetary payment of penalty which, supposedly, absolved one of past sins and/or released one from purgatory after death. – Peter’s Pence - a yearly tax of a penny levied by the Holy See on every household to support the Pope

Church had great secular power – Church had their own set of laws called canon law, and its own courts of law – Popes believed that they had the authority over kings Sometimes excommunicated secular rulers who challenged or threatened papal power.

What did the kings and popes argue about in the Late Middle Ages?

So, there’s no emperor, no king, no president, no single ruler of Europe. There are a bunch of landowners and rulers of small kingdoms who want more power. Oh, and there’s a Pope. – But no military power X

The picture on the next slide is of Charlemagne being crowned by the pope. Who seems to be the one in charge in the picture? What makes you think that?

Round 1: Charlemagne vs. Pope Leo

Both Charlemagne and Pope Leo thought they should lead Christendom & the Christian Church – Charlemagne united Europe under Christianity so he felt he should lead – The Pope was the head of the church so he thought he should lead Leo crowned Charles making it seem like Charlemagne’s authority came from Leo (he who gives the crown has the power!) This was only the start of the struggle...

Philosophical Throwdown

Throwdown Who do you believe should run the empire? The King The Church

Charlemagne’s empire eventually splits in 3 – Henry IV eventually becomes king of the east (Germany) – Gregory VII is pope in Rome at that time Gregory challenged the authority of European monarchies over control of appointments (called investitures) of church officials such as bishops and abbots

Simony = the act of selling church offices and roles. – Important source of income for leaders among the nobility – Bishops and abbots typically nobility Younger sons of the nobility would often be appointed bishops – It was beneficial for a ruler or nobleman to appoint (or sell the office to) someone who would be loyal Pope Gregory says NO!

Mine! No Mine!

Henry IV, king not through usurpation but through the holy ordination of God, to Gregory at present not pope but false monk. I, Henry, king by the grace of God, with all of my Bishops, say to you, come down, come down, and be d*m*ed throughout the ages. Sincerely, King Henry IV

I’m sorry pope, please let me in! What? Sorry! Can’t hear you! Come back tomorrow!

P ope Gregory questioned Henry’s authority to pick bishops and abbots. H enry tried to get Gregory removed as Pope. G regory excommunicated Henry. H enry begged for 3 days to be let back into the church so people would listen to him again. G regory let him in after proving the pope was the most powerful figure.

Many kings became ruthless and increasingly power hungry. King John began taxing the Church in England. The Church decided they would then leave the country entirely. People feared they would be sent to Hell.

After the church left the nobles threatened to abandon King John too – No priests = damnation – John arresting people for no reason if he felt they were challenging his authority Nobles wrote out a list of their demands called the Magna Carta. (Great Charter) – Either agree to our demands or we leave and take our soldiers with us.

Your lands cannot be taken in payment for debt as long as you pay the debt some other way. For small offences you will face only a small penalty. The rights of the Church are considered to be the same as the rights of freemen. The King shall not raise taxes without first consulting with the barons. No widow shall be forced to marry so long as she prefers to live without a husband. The Magna Carta Nobles will face punishment only by other nobles. No one will be forced to make bridges at river-banks. (seriously) There shall be standard weights and measures throughout the realm. No one will be put in jail without first having a trial by jury. The king, like all others in England, must follow the law. The king cannot force anyone to go to war outside of the country.

I, King John, accept that I have to rule according to the law. 1.Not to imprison nobles without trial 2.To have fair taxation for the nobles 3.To let nobles travel wherever they like 4.Not to interfere in Church matters 5.Not to take crops without paying for them …and lot more things too!!

What do you think King John did after signing the Magna Carta?

John appealed to Pope Innocent for help, observing that the charter compromised the pope's rights Innocent obliged; he declared the charter "not only shameful and demeaning, but illegal and unjust" and excommunicated the rebel barons. – The failure of the agreement led rapidly to war with the nobility - known as the Barons’ Wars.

War fought for religious purposes Goal was to regain the “holy land” (Jerusalem) for Christians from Muslim control Pope Urban II ordered Europeans to take back the land in He promised that any who fought against the “infidels” would go to Heaven.

1 st Crusade: Conquered Jerusalem and held it for almost 100 years. 2 nd : Muslim leader Saladin retakes Jerusalem 3 rd : King Richard fights Saladin and loses. – While gone Prince John takes over…Magna Carta, etc. 4 th -8 th :Crusaders lose more.

Holy land remains under Arab control. Europeans realized there was much more to the world than they ever knew – Islamic science, math, art, literature, and military science Trade and technology expanded: gun powder, coffee, etc. Europe became more unified as the knights now had a common enemy. I wuv you German guy! Ahh, I wuv you too Frenchie!