Reformation Ideas Spread Lecture Notes: chapter 1.4 A different kind of face-off! Reformation VS. Counterreformation
Introduction… Throughout Europe, Catholic monarchs and the Catholic Church fought back against the Protestant challenge by taking steps to reform the Church and to restore its spiritual leadership in the Christian world. Still, Protestant ideas continued to spread!
I. Expansion of Protestant Sects A. Hundreds of new Protestant sects – religious groups that had broken away from an established church, emerged. B. Many followed variations of the teachings of Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli. C. Anabaptists, among others, were more radical.
Anabaptists 2. wanted private property abolished 1. rejected infant baptism 2. wanted private property abolished 3. called for religious toleration 4. wanted separation of church and state 5. rooted in Baptist, Mennonite, and Amish faith traditions
II. English Reformation A. Henry VIII sough t an annulment 1. was initially against the Protestant revolt 2. awarded the title “Defender of the Faith” by the Pope 3. Bewildered that after 18 years of marriage, he and his Spanish wife, Catherine of Aragon, had only one surviving child, Mary Tudor
Henry VIII (con’t.) a. felt that England’s stability depended on his having a male heir b. Had fallen in love with Anne Boleyn 4. Hoped to marry and father a son with Boleyn 5. Asked the Pope to annul or cancel his marriage as Catholic law forbade divorce. 6. Pope refused and Henry is furious!!!!
B.Breaking with the Catholic Church 1. Henry decides to take over the church 2 Had Parliament pass a series of laws taking the English church from the Pope’s control and putting it under Henry. 3. Appointed Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of the “new” church, who annulled the marriage! Mission accomplished!!!!!!!!! 4. Married Anne Boleyn in 1533 5. Fathered a daughter, Elizabeth I, with Anne
6. Had Parliament pass the “Act of Supremacy” in 1534 a. Made Henry “the only supreme head on Earth of the Church of England” b. Not accepted by many loyal Catholics i. Those executed for treason. ii. Great English humanist, Sir Thomas More, among them
Strengthening the Church of England 1. Between 1536 – 1540, royal officials investigated Catholic convents and monasteries. 2. Claiming that they were centers for immorality, Henry ordered them closed and confiscated their land/ assets a. Redistributed wealth b. Secured support for the Anglican Church – aka Church of England
a. only surviving son despite Henry’s 6 marriages D. Religious Turmoil 1. Edward VI took the throne in 1547, after his father’s death. a. only surviving son despite Henry’s 6 marriages b. a devout Protestant
Time out for… You Tubin’ History Listen up for Henry, Henry, Henry by The History Teachers…
2. Mary Tudor takes the throne in 1533 upon Edward’s death a. Was Edward’s half-sister (oldest surviving sibling) b. Determined to return England to Catholicism c. Had hundreds of English Protestants, including Archbishop Cranmer, burned to death for heresy
E. Elizabethan Settlement 1. On Mary’s death in 1558, the throne passed to Elizabeth a. suffered a difficult childhood i. At age 2, her mother – Anne Bolelyn- was beheaded so that her father could re-marry ii. Grew up in isolation
b. received a rigorous education More on Elizabeth… b. received a rigorous education c. Was well-respected as a teen for her intelligence
2. Elizabeth had to decide the future of the Church of England. Enforced the Elizabethan Settlement – compromises 1.) preserved much Catholic ritual but kept the hierachy of bishops and archbishops 2.) unlike Henry, she did NOT call herself the “supreme head” of the church but she reaffirmed that the monarch was the “supreme governor” over spiritual matters in England. 3.) Restored a version of the Book of Common Prayer 4.) Allowed England to replace Latin during church services b. Ended decades of religious conflict
Expanded its international power More on Elizabeth… 3. Made England a firmly Protestant nation Unified England Expanded its international power Encouraged a period of great artistic activity. Was well-loved!
Make a prediction! What’s a Catholic to do?!?! IF you were at Catholic during this time, what advice would YOU give the Pope? How will the Church regain converts? What is it doing right? What is it doing wrong? Hmmm…
III.The Catholic Reformation A. Council of Trent 1. Convened by the Pope in 1545 to establish the direction of Catholic reforms 2. Led by Italian Cardinal Carlo Borromeo 3. Met off and on for almost 20 years 4. Abolished the sale of indulgences
5. Reaffirmed traditional Catholic views! A. Declared that salvation comes through faith AND good works B. Upheld the belief that the Bible, while a major source of religious truth, is NOT the only source C. Provided penalties for immorality among clergy D. Established schools to create a better educated clergy!
B.Empowering the Inquisition 1. Inquisition: a church court set up during the Middle Ages a. used secret testimony, torture, and executions to root out heresy b. Prepared the Index of Forbidden Books i. A list of books considered too immoral or too irreligious to read ii. List included books by Luther, Calvin, and others 2. Strengthened by Pope Paul III
2. Recognized by the Pope in 1540 3. Founded by Ignatius of Loyola C. The Jesuits 1. aka The Society of Jesus 2. Recognized by the Pope in 1540 3. Founded by Ignatius of Loyola a. A Spanish soldier whose leg was shattered in battle b. Vowed to become “a solder of God”
c. Embarked on a crusade to defend & spread Catholicism worldwide i. Became advisers to Catholic rulers ii. Established schools AND universities to teach humanist and Catholic beliefs iii. Sent missionaries to distant lands, including Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
D. Role of Women 1. Theresa of Avila A. born into a wealthy Spanish family B. entered a convent and then established her own order of nuns i. lived in isolation Ii. Ate and slept very little Iii. Dedicated to prayer and meditation C. was asked to reorganize and reform Spanish convents and missionaries
2. Angela Merici Italian nun Founded the Company of Saint Ursula, an order of women dedicated to teaching girls
3.Jane of Chantal & Francis of Sales A. co-founded the Visitation of Holy Mary order B. Trained women to be teachers C. Succeeded in bringing back Protestant converts in France.
4. Mary Ward Est.Schools for girls English Throughout Europe
E. Legacy 1. by 1600, majority of Europeans remained Catholic 2. charity flourished 3. church abuses were reduced
IV. Widespread Persecution A. conducting witch hunts 1. Between 1450 – 1750, tens of thousands killed 2. Most died in German states, Switzerland, and France B. Persecuting Jews 1. Expelled from Spain in 1492 2. Ordered to the ghetto in Venice in 1516 with other Italian cities following its lead 3. Intensified during the Reformation
Luther a. Called for their expulsion from Christian lands, and had their synagogues burned b.From the early 1500s on, many Jews migrated to the Mediterranean part of the Ottoman Empire and to the Netherlands