Middle Ages SOL Review #8
Part 1: Early Middle Ages (500 AD – 1000 AD) The Dark Ages began due to the collapse of which government 476 AD? ROME 2. What became the unifying force of Western Europe during the Dark Ages? THE CATHOLIC CHURCH 3. Who was the most powerful person in the Roman Catholic Church? THE POPE
Part 1: Early Middle Ages (500 AD – 1000 AD) 4. What was the importance of the following church members? A. Monasteries – Preserved GRECO-ROMAN cultural achievements. B. Missionaries – Carried CHRISTIANITY and LATIN to Germanic Tribes. C. Parish Priest - Served the RELIGIOUS and social needs of the common people.
Part 1: Early Middle Ages (500 AD – 1000 AD) 5. The decline of ______________influence in Western Europe left people with little ________________ against invasion so they entered into feudal agreements with landholding ____________ who promised to protection them. ROMAN PROTECTION NOBLES 6. According to the feudal system, the ___________ gives a grant of ___________ to a lesser noble. KING LAND 7. This grant of land is known as a ______________. FIEF
Part 1: Early Middle Ages (500 AD – 1000 AD) 8. The lesser noble who received the _____________ was known as a _______________. FIEF VASSAL 9. What were large farming estates with the lords’ house, farmed land, and villages called? MANORS
Part 1: Early Middle Ages (500 AD – 1000 AD)
Part 1: Early Middle Ages (500 AD – 1000 AD) 10. What does it mean that the manor had to be self- sufficient? HAD TO MAKE EVERYTHING ON THE MANOR 11. Peasants were called _______________. SERFS
Part 2: Nation States Which Germanic tribe became a force in Western Europe during the Dark Ages? THE FRANKS 2. Who was the greatest ruler of Western Europe during the Dark Ages? CHARLEMAGNE 3. Who did the Pope crown as Holy Roman Emperor in 800 AD? CHARLEMAGNE
Charlemagne – 1ST Holy Roman Emperor
The Frankish Kingdom – 800 AD
Part 2: Nation States 4. Under the rule of Charlemagne, Churches, ____________ , and schools were built to unite the Frankish Kingdom. ROADS 5. Some invaders during the Dark Ages included the following: a. __________ and ____________ settled in England. ANGLES AND SAXONS b. The _______________ settled in Hungary MAGYARS c. The ________ migrated from Scandinavia to Russia. VIKINGS
Part 2: Nation States - Invaders
Part 2: Nation States 6. Invasions disrupted _____________, towns declined, manors with castles were developed, and the _________ system was strengthened. TRADE FEUDAL
Part 2: Nation States - ENGLAND _______________the Conqueror, leader of the Norman Conquest, united most of England in 1066 AD. WILLIAM 2. Why was the Great Council created? What is it known as today? TO ADVISE THE KING PARLIAMENT 3. Common law had its beginnings during the reign of ______________ II. HENRY
Part 2: Nation States - ENGLAND 4. King John signed the __________ _____________ in 1215, limiting the king’s power and giving more power to the ________________. MAGNA CARTA NOBLES The Hundred Years’ War between ____________ and ____________ helped define England as a nation. ENGLAND AND FRANCE
Part 2: Nation States - FRANCE Hugh _________ established the French throne in city of ____________, and he expanded his control over most of ____________. CAPET PARIS FRANCE 2. Who became a French hero during The Hundred Years’ War? JOAN OF ARC
Part 2: Nation States - SPAIN 1. ______________and Isabella unified the country and expelled Jews and _____________. FERDINAND MOORS (MUSLIMS) 2. Spanish Empire in the Western Hemisphere expanded under _______________ V. CHARLES
Part 2: Nation States - RUSSIA _____________the Great threw off the rule of the Mongols, centralized power in city of _______________ and expanded the Russian nation. IVAN MOSCOW 2. Define: Tsar KING 3. What was the major church in Russia? GREEK ORTHODOX
Part 2: Nation States - Russa BALTIC SEA M BLACK SEA
Part 3: Crusades What city was captured by Muslims in the Holy Land (Palestine) that led to the Crusades? JERUSALEM 2. Which Pope called for the Crusades? URBAN II (GOD WILLS IT! GOD WILLS IT!) 3. What was the goal of the Crusaders? TO RECAPTURE THE HOLY LAND AND JERUSALEM FROM THE MUSLIMS
Part 3: Crusades
Part 3: Crusades 4. Who recaptured Jerusalem for the Muslims that led to the 3rd Crusade? SALADIN 5. Which Christian city would the Crusaders sack on their way to the Holy Land? CONSTANTINOLPE
Part 3: Crusades BYZANTINE 6. The effects of the Crusades included: A. Weakened the __________ and ______________; strengthened monarchs CHURCH (POPE) NOBLES B. Stimulated _________________ throughout the Mediterranean area and the Middle East TRADE C. Left a legacy of bitterness among _______________, ____________, and Muslims CHRISTIANS JEWS D. Weakened the ______________ Empire BYZANTINE
Part 3: Crusades 7. Which invaders from Asia would attack Russia, the Middle East and create a huge empire by 1300 AD? MONGOLS 8. Constantinople was captured by the ______________ ________________ in 1453 AD and renamed Istanbul. OTTOMAN TURKS
Part 4: The Plague TRADE POWER How did the plague (Black Death) get to Europe in 1347 AD? ITALIAN MERCHANT SHIPS COMING BACK FROM THE MIDDLE EAST 2. How much of Europe population died from the plague? 1/3 TO 1/2 3. The plague led to a scarcity of _________________, the end of the ______________ system, disruption of ____________, and the decline of church ___________. LABOR FEUDAL TRADE POWER
Part 4: The Plague
Part 5. The Middle Ages Church Members of the Catholic Church among the very few who could ___________ and __________________. READ AND WRITE 2. Worked in _______________________. Preserved __________- __________________ achievements. MONASTERIES 3. Translated Greek and Arabic works into ___________. LATIN
Part 5: The Middle Ages Church 4. Made new knowledge in philosophy, _________________, and science available in Europe. MEDICINE 5. Laid the foundations for the rise of __________________ in Europe. UNIVERSITIES