History 30
The Meaning of Contact 1. Contact 1. Usually peaceful 2. Short encounters 3. Ritual displays of flags or cross plantings seen as threats 2. Collisions 1. Developed in subsequent meetings 2. Transmission of diseases 3. Some sharing and cooperation 4. Taking of hostages/slaves 3. Relationships 1. Trade 2. Military alliances 3. Evangelism 4. Imposed controls, leading to colonization
The Beothuk Tragedy Contact led to many misunderstandings Much violence and many deaths This conflict was caused by European whaling and fishing in the Beothuk territory 57 Beothuk were taken back to Europe as slaves, but many died on the voyage and the remaining died upon arrival in Europe. The Beothuk retreated to the interior of Canada and only came to the shore to fish occasionally.
Death By Disease The Europeans introduced new diseases to the Aboriginal populations they encountered. Small pox, influenza, diptheria, typhus, tuberculosis and mumps. It is estimated that 90% to 93% of the North American Aboriginal population was killed by these diseases. The diseases destroyed, physically and emotionally, families and whole communities
Two Conflicting Views of Civilization All European explorers claimed lands they “discovered” or conquered in the name of their sovereigns, based the theory of “Divine Right of Kings”. According to the theory, the world was the property of the Christian God, who granted stewardship of earthly affairs to the Roman Catholic Pope.
Cartier and the First French Intrusion Cartier sailed for France, under King Fracois I Searching for the NorthWest Passage to Asia to trade (or at least to find some gold). Landed in early May, 1534 in Newfoundland. Made 2 further explorations, specifically into the St. Lawerence River.
Cartier’s Voyages
Jacques Cartier
Review…Reflect…Respond 1. What are the two conflicting views of Civilization? 2. How did Aboriginals help European colonists and explorers adapt to their environment? 3. How do you think the arrival of Europeans would affect Aboriginal beliefs about the world?