Portrait of an artist ( Self-portrait )
Isaac blesses Jacob
Woman with a Veil (La Donna Velata)
The k night ’s dream
The angel
Ansidei Madonna
The baker’s daughter (La Fornarina)
Conversion of Saul (tapestry)
Angels (Cherubini)
Pope Julius II
Maddalena Strozzi
The Miraculous Draught of Fishes (tapestry) Ezekiel
Lady with a unicorn
The Three Graces
Portrait of Cardinal Bibbiena
Sistine Madonna
Saint George and the dragon
Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione
The school of Athens
Madonna dell’Impannata
Madonna of the Chair
Self Portrait with a friend
The freeing of St. Peter
Mary’s Engagement
The Colonna Alterpiece (Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints)
Christ’s charge to Peter (tapestry)
Portrait of Cardinal Inghirami
The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple
Portrait of Pope Leo X
The triumph of Galatea