Section 12.4 Spread of Protestantism Big Ideas: Different forms of Protestantism emerges.
Divisions in Protestantism Peace of Augsburg -Christian unity lost. Next divisions in protestant faith. Zwinglian Reformation Ulrich Zwingli-priest in Zurich council of Zurich- religious reforms. No relics/images-white walls only service -scripture reading, prayer, & sermons Joined forces with Martin Luther Catholics vs. Protestants =war Zwingli –killed Protestant leader in Switzerland became -John Calvin. Ulrich Zwingli was a priest in Zurich. The city council of Zurich began to introduce religious reforms. And the church service consisting of scripture reading, prayer, and sermons replace the Catholic mass. His movement began to spread to cities in Switzerland and he sought an alliance with Martin Luther. Essentially religious war broke out in Switzerland and his army was defeated. His enemies killed him, cut up his body, burned the pieces, and scattered the ashes. Leadership of Protestant faith in Switzerland now passed to John Calvin.
John Calvin French Priest, became protestant leader Doctrines Justification by faith Nature of God all powerful Predestination-(predetermined saved & damned ) Strict moral discipline (no dancing, singing, swearing, & playing cards) The Consistory-enforced protestant Doctrines. In Geneva God’s “Chosen people”-spread faith Was french-fleed because protestant Faith alone and not good works can bring salvation Saw themselves as “chosen people” crusaders- job to build a Christian society No fighting, no swearing, no dancing, not theatres Get rid of all temptations Teachings very similar to Luther 1.) Church control that is not corrupt- Complete Theocracy 2.) Predestination 3.) Sinner and Saint -Sinner- can’t overcome sin - Saint- overcome sin
Church of England Political Reasons (Quest for Son) 1527= Henry VIII - King of England-wants a son 1st wife Catherine of Aragon-Daughter (Mary Tudor) Henry wanted annulment- to marry Anne Bolyn (2nd wife) Pope says “no”/ English church court says” yes” Marries Anne=baby girl (Elizabeth I) 1534 breaks from Catholic church Creates Church of England- Henry Leader (Act of Supremacy) Thomas Moore (Christian Humanist) did not agree -beheaded. Click on Henry to show video 2:04 min Pope said no Why? Didn’t want to anger Catherine's nephew Charles V = H.R.E. & Spain Created the church of England-Protestant Pope not in charge – Henry has the power - annuls marriage to wife - married Anne Boleyn (Catherine’s lady in waiting) - daughter- Elizabeth Accuses Anne Boleyn of being unfaithful and locks Anne in Tower of London- executed for adultery Henry married 4 more times Son Edward- sickly, weak (1537 Edward VI took the throne 1554 Edward dies at 16. Thomas Moore Utopia- explains how life would be if no government corruption Put more faith in church than government Henry VIII killed him for his beliefs henry remained close to catholic teachings but did have the wealth of the church and monasteries sold to merchant and landowners. –gained support for new church.
Mary Tudor Mary dies=Elizabeth I (Queen) Henry VIII dies Edward (king)-keeps Church of England- dies at 16 Mary Tudor –Queen (aka Bloody Mary) Pushes Catholic faith persecuted Protestants( 300 burned) Hates Elizabeth (1/2 sister &Protestant) Mary dies=Elizabeth I (Queen) Protestant Compromise Catholics & Protestant Reforms Church of England Mary Tudor Henry VIII dies Edward (king)-keeps Church of England he dies and mary takes over Pushes Catholic faith Hates Elizabeth - ships her to Woodstock - Elizabeth prettier - persecuted Protestants = “Bloody Mary” Elizabeth
Reformation Spreads Anabaptist- radical group (Quakers, Mennonites, Amish) - ideas= 1. adult baptism-all equal –(all could be ministers or spiritual leaders-no usually women) 2. religious toleration-but persecuted by Catholics & Protestants 3. separation church & state In both the Luther and Henry VIII and Elizabeth had made the government played a strong role in church affairs Some did not agree the Anabaptist Believed in adult baptism and making the choice unlike infant in catholic and Lutheran. All believers equal-new testament All members could be ministers if wanted no political authority over real Christians did not bear arms or hold political office-thou shall not kill . God created everything so no private property
Reformation and Society During reformation lives women &Jewish people did not improve. Women &Family Protestants family center of life. women obedient & bear children. Anti-Semitism Martin Luther expected Jews to convert to Lutheranism-they resisted synagogues & houses destroyed. segregated ghettos. Witch hunts- Agents of Devil (poor, beggars, widows, midwives) Clergy can marry family life center Luther says husband has rule , wife obedient 1450-1750 Witch hunts - agents of the devil - had to blame someone - prove you are not a witch- if you survived it meant you were a witch, otherwise you died
Catholic Reformation 3 pillars; Jesuits, reform of papacy, Council of Trent Jesuits Loyal to pope Intelligent-education to spread message Pope Paul III- stop corruption in church Council of Trent Faith & good works =salvation 7 sacraments (kept Eucharist & celibate clergy) Kept idea of purgatory & indulgences(couldn’t sell) The Catholic Church also had a reformation in the 16th century, giving a new strength and enabling it to regain much that it had lost. Three chief pillars; the Jesuits, reform of the papacy, and the Council of Trent supported the Catholic Reformation. Ignatius of Loyola =jesuits Loyal to pope missionaries –spread thoughout world 1545 Pope Paul III - Revive Morals - stop corruption= (indulgences) Went over every aspect of Catholic Church salvation- faith + good deeds (need to help out fellow man and practice good deeds.) Bible- major source visions, miracles, etc= additional sources Penalties against corruption -INQUISITION- you have to prove you’re a good Christian -brought back from the Middle Ages
Section 4 Review His Consistory punished people who misbehaved, oversaw Genevans’ moral life and doctrinal purity, and operated as a court. Calvin The belief that God determined in advance who would be saved Predestination He dissolved Catholic monasteries, had Thomas More beheaded, and had his marriage to Catherine ruled “null and void.” King Henry VIII
Section 4 Review The damned The reprobate Believed the church and state should be separate. Anabaptists Meetings that reaffirmed Catholic teachings The Council of Trent He believed in the “eternal decree” of an all-powerful God. John Calvin
Section 4 Review Believers in adult baptism Anabaptists They believed they were doing God’s work, they were determined to spread their faith to other people? Calvinists Declared a marriage invalid Annul