DANTE ALIGHIERI Who is Italy’s poetic genius?
BACKGROUND Lived 1265 – 1321 Born in Florence, Italy (West-central Italy) Educated in classical literature and Christian literature By 18, he was writing poetry Served in army first, then politics and diplomacy Dante supported rule by the church Public service more important than writing
POLITICS City councilman in Florence Then higher ranking than councilman Also ambassador to other cities In 1301, Dante sided with the “White Guelphs” Against the pope He was banished from Florence when the “Black Guelphs” took over Banished for the rest of his life
INSPIRED Courtly love poetry Wrote these to Beatrice Portinari Not his wife! He met her when he was 9, saw her again when he was 18 She died when she was 24
THE DIVINE COMEDY Wrote in his exile, 1308 Inferno, Purgatorio, Parasido Each written in Cantos (Songs) in 3 line stanzas Significance of 3 for Dante: Three persons in one God – Divine Mystery He is the main character – traveler = all of humanity Journeys through hell, purgatory, heaven Called a comedy because it has a happy ending Called divine because it is about religion – spirituality
INFERNO AS A CONE UNDER THE EARTH Page 736 in text has another example of the cone. An Allegory – (pg. 736) A work with two layers of meaning. Characters, places, objects, and events stand for abstract ideas and qualities. For example: The dark woods stands for how Dante feels spiritually.