Canterbury Cathedral Kara Lynch Crystal Ryans
Pope Gregory the Great sent Augustine and monks to England Given a church at Canterbury by the local King Ethelbert Augustine was consecrated Bishop and established his seat as the first Archbishop of Canterbury Destroyed by fire in 1067 The entire eastern arm was destroyed in 1174 Canterbury Library was damaged by a German air raid in 1942
Thomas Becket Started out as Henry II’s chancellor. Afterwards, appointed as Archbishop of Canterbury in King thought he would have more a say in church affairs since Becket was his good friend. Becket asked the pope to excommunicate the Archbishop of York who had taken sides with the king. “Will no-one rid me of this troublesome priest ?" Dec 29 th, 1170, Becket killed by four knights in the Cathedral.
Becket (cont.) Made a saint. Henry II traveled to Cathedral barefooted to ask pope for forgiveness. The murder of Thomas Becket turned out to be a powerful attraction to pilgrims.
Becket (cont.) Eucharistic vestments and copes, which are cared for by the Vesturer. One of the most notable: Becket Vestments (now found in Sens Cathedral)
The Bells Twenty-one bells −14 hang in the Oxford (South West) Tower- Ringing Bells −6 hang in the Arundel (North West) Tower- Clock Chime Bells −Bell Harry (Central) Tower- Bell Harry
Conservation of the Cathedral The condition of every wall-painting and every fragment (wall-painting) is tended to by the Cathedral's expert Wall Paintings Advisory Committee. Aim: slow down the process of decay. Only replaced parts that weren’t going to survive. Fixer Masons and Scaffolders. Restore the medieval glass of the Cathedral.
In Canterbury Howletts Wild Animal Park −Approx pounds Places to eat YUM YUM!!!YUM YUM!!! Shopping MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!
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