Three Discoveries of America. 1st? Beringia How were they doing?


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Presentation transcript:

Three Discoveries of America

1st? Beringia

How were they doing?

What will happen to them?

2 nd ? Happy Leif Erikson Day!!

3 rd ?

Prior to the “ discovery” of America, Europe was experiencing the Middle Ages (Dark Ages) Prior to the “ discovery” of America, Europe was experiencing the Middle Ages (Dark Ages)

During this time, the Crusades take place During this time, the Crusades take place war by Christians to take back “Holy Land” from Muslims war by Christians to take back “Holy Land” from Muslims While fighting they decided Asia was a good place to shop!!

Renaissance “Rebirth” in art and learning “Rebirth” in art and learning Brings Europe out of the “Dark Ages” Brings Europe out of the “Dark Ages”

Best way to Asia? Vasco de Gama – first to sail around Africa and reach Asia Vasco de Gama – first to sail around Africa and reach Asia

Christopher Columbus Plan to reach Asia by sailing west Plan to reach Asia by sailing west He thought …. He thought …. Short trip (3 wks) Short trip (3 wks) Smaller earth Smaller earth Larger Asia Larger Asia No land in between!!! No land in between!!! I can find a better way to Asia!!

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to pay. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to pay. They wanted… They wanted… $$$ from trade $$$ from trade Spread Catholicism Spread Catholicism

He left in 1492 – took 2 months! He left in 1492 – took 2 months! thought he had reached the Indies thought he had reached the Indies I told you I could find a better way to Asia!!

made 3 more trips to the Americas made 3 more trips to the Americas he died believing he had reached Asia he died believing he had reached Asia

Amerigo Vespucci –realized Columbus didn’t reach Asia – America is named for him Amerigo Vespucci –realized Columbus didn’t reach Asia – America is named for him That place Columbus went was so NOT Asia!

Spain claims the “New World”

Vasco Nunez de Balboa - 1st to reach Pacific Ocean – did so by crossing Panama

Ferdinand Magellan Ferdinand Magellan - crew was first to circumnavigate world Ferdinand Magellan - crew was first to circumnavigate world Ferdinand Magellan

Hernando Cortez – defeated Aztecs, gained riches for Spain Hernando Cortez – defeated Aztecs, gained riches for Spain Welcome to our land. We are just here for the gold!

Francisco Pizarro – conquered the Incas, more $$ for Spain Yeah! More gold for Spain! Yeah! More gold for Spain!

The Pope said the New World was ours!! Keep out! We are Protestant. We don’t take orders from the Pope! You can’t keep us out either!

Nations would compete for “New World” for….. Religion – Catholic vs. Protestant (social) Religion – Catholic vs. Protestant (social) $$$ – resources and markets (ecomonic) $$$ – resources and markets (ecomonic) Power – want empires to grow (political) Power – want empires to grow (political)

¿Por qué no hablan español? Open textbooks to page 57 Open textbooks to page 57 Read pg. 57 and create a Multi-Flow Map showing the causes and effects of the defeat of the Spanish Armada Read pg. 57 and create a Multi-Flow Map showing the causes and effects of the defeat of the Spanish Armada

Spain’s image suffered – no longer unbeatable England gets to remain independent AND Protestant Spain wants to take over England AND make it Catholic Armada retreats – is hit by a severe storm and barely makes it home Spanish galleons are outmaneuvered By the English sea dogs Other nations will challenge Spain’s claims to the “new world” Defeat of the Spanish Armada 21 miles

Where did my Starbucks come from?

Columbian Exchange? Transfer of plants, animals and diseases between hemispheres Transfer of plants, animals and diseases between hemispheres Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere


What were the positive and negative effects of the Columbian Exchange? Positive- plants and animals Positive- plants and animals America got : America got : cows, pigs, horses, sheepcows, pigs, horses, sheep grapes, onion, wheatgrapes, onion, wheat Europe got : Europe got : potatoes, corn, peanutspotatoes, corn, peanuts Negative – transfer of germs! Negative – transfer of germs! America got : America got : diseases such as smallpox, measles & malariadiseases such as smallpox, measles & malaria killed an estimated 20 million Native Americankilled an estimated 20 million Native American