Culture of the High Middle Ages
Chartres Cathedral Symbolizes the Age of Faith
The builders rarely saw the completed Cathedral
River Valleys in Western Europe were good for farming Dramatic changes occurred in the way peasants worked the land Soil was rich & deep but required a heavier plow Peasants were better fed since better harvests produced more food
Innovations increased food production Heavier plow needed for the rich deep soil of the Western River Valley area Heavy plow being used with an oxen
Innovations increased food production Horse collar Twice as much land could be plowed in a day using a horse rather than oxen
The horse played a vital role
Innovations increased food production Three Field System More land is available for planting increasing the production of food Peasants have a healthier diet and a longer life span One field will lay fallow or not planted Fallow field allows the ground to retain and renew its nutrients
Environment Changed In England, France and Germany forests were cleared to provide more land for farming Peasants built huge seawalls to drain more land for farming Building of towns
Results of the increase in food production in Western Europe A surplus of food to trade An increase in the population The rise of towns Decline in feudalism
Medieval Walled Towns The town was called a burgh. The town dwellers were know as burghers
Bourgeoisie – French for Middle Class
Jews and the Middle Ages Jews were not allowed to own land They were usually segregated in the city but were required to help defend the walls in their area during an attack Symbol designating the women is Jewish
The Church prohibits usury – the charging of interest The Church insisted that merchants and craftsmen charge a just price – a reasonable profit The church believed a large profit was sinful Literate Jews became moneylenders or early bankers They were active in long- distance trade Many myths developed about Jews causing them to be attacked & abused
Persecution of the Jews Jews were survivors and their dietary laws often kept them from getting ill. Unfortunately, they often became the scapegoat and were accused of starting plagues and causing other disasters which led to their persecution.
The Town Cathedral The Cathedral was the most important building in a Medieval town. Pilgrims visited the Cathedral to honor relics Relics – items believed to belong to Jesus or the saints Reliquary of St. Stephen
Reliquaries house the relics
Reliquary of St. Catherine
Medieval Fairs - Chartres Peasants came to sell their goods to the towns people during the local fairs. The great fairs provided customers with goods such as cloth, fur, iron, dyes, honey, oil, butter, fruit, wine, etc. Some goods were from far away places. No longer was everything produced on the manor Fairs also provide entertainment.
Guilds An association of people who worked in the same occupation. Merchants formed the first guilds Merchant guilds controlled all the trade in a town
Medieval Guild Halls Guild members erected guild halls where they met to make rules and arrange the details of their businesses Members of the merchant guild controlled all the trade in their town. Example: Only a member of the local merchants guild could sell Flemish wool in their town
Merchant Guilds, such as the Hanseatic League also controlled towns & trade routes
Craft Guilds Skilled artisans also banned together to create craft guilds Both husbands and wives worked in the family business Craft guilds also trained new workers
Since most people could not read, craftsmen used signs to advertise their specialty
Baker Barber
Cobbler - ShoemakerTailor
How the Guild functions Each guild had their own standards of quality dealing with the size, weight, and price of an item Guild members who sold substandard goods could be punished by the guild Each guild had a monopoly or exclusive control of their product
Bakers Baptism for selling under weight bread Neck violin for feuding women
The Church insists on Just Price Guilds fixed the price on everything they sold There was no competition between guild members The “just price” of an item was based on the cost of labor and materials plus a reasonable profit The Church viewed making a large profit as a sin.
Guild benefits for the Master Craftsman Dues functioned as an insurance policy Funeral expenses were paid Support of the family continued Social organization Political leaders of the town
Training new workers Apprentice – person learning a craft, who also lives with the master craftsman. Parents usually paid a fee to the master to train their child An apprenticeship lasted for 3 to 12 years, without pay except for room and board Apprentices were not rapidly promoted
Journeyman After the period of apprenticeship you became a journeyman A journeyman is paid a daily wage A journeyman can become a master if his “masterpiece” meets guild standards If accepted, he can train apprentices, hire journeyman, and open a shop As time went on, it became increasingly difficult to become a master.
Growth of Towns A serf was considered free if they lived in a town for a year and a day “Town air makes you free” Feudal lords ruthlessly taxed towns on their lands Nobles charged fees for everything – fairs, using bridges, holding courts of law
Towns gain independence Burghers worked together to free themselves from the lord or bishop on whose land the town stood Sometimes the fought for their independence They also bought their independence since burghers had cash They received a charter with the lord’s seal which listed the towns special privileges and tax exemptions
Medieval Walled Towns By 1200, towns were growing in population and gaining liberties. Towns were independent of the feudal system.
Medieval University The new educational institution that developed during this period Most students came from the Middle Class Classes were held in rented rooms Books were handwritten and expensive Women could not attend the University
Notice how small the students are portrayed Medieval students after a drinking binge
Language of the educated and the commoners Latin continued to be the language of the educated Latin was also used in law and by the church Vernacular is the term used to describe the common language of the people
Scholars rediscover Greek writings Revival of learning made Europeans more interested in the works of ancient scholars Growth of trade brought Europeans into contact with Muslims and Byzantines who still had access to the ancient authors Aristotle
The problem with the ancient writings Greeks were pagans Their knowledge was based on human reason rather than the Bible Could Aristotle’s logical approach to truth be used and still keep faith with the Bible? Scholar, Thomas Aquinas found there was no conflict between faith and reason Thomas Aquinas, author of Summa Theologiae (21 volumes) He was a Dominican monk who taught at the University of Paris
Chansons de geste (songs of deeds) show how ideals of noble society were changing Heroic poems sung to a lute in the vernacular or common spoken language Song of Roland in France King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Tristan and Isolde Beowulf
Chivalry – the Knights code of behavior Cheval & Chevalier – horse & horse riding lord Knight must fight bravely in defense of: –His earthly lord –His heavenly lord –His chosen lady He should aid the poor and defend the weak
Steps to Knighthood Page – age 7 to 14 –Sent to another castle –Waited on hosts while learning manners and playing at being a Knight Squire – 14 – 24 or so –A Knights assistant –Cared for horse & armor Knighting –A solemn ceremony French page 14 th century
A knight and his squire
A night of solemn vigil before becoming a knight
Tournaments mock battles for glory
14 th Century armor
The idea of romantic love arose Under the code of chivalry, a knights duty to his lady became as important as his duty to his lord Poet singers, called troubadours sang praises of noble ladies and the knights who loved them These wandering minstrels even carried their songs to court
Eleanor of Aquitaine The most celebrated women of the age Troubadours flocked to her court in the French duchy of Aquitaine While Queen of France she went on a Crusade with her husband Louis VII She becomes queen of England when she later marries Henry Plantagenet who become Henry II king of England She was the mother of two English kings, Richard I the lion- hearted and John I
Women’s roles change during the High Middle Ages In the Early Middle Ages many Queens participated in ruling their kingdoms In the Late Middle Ages Queens did not play a large role in ruling kingdoms During the High Middle Ages the role of women was limited to the home and convent The idea of romantic love placed women on a pedestal
Tapestry – The Quest for the Holy Grail
Marriage in the High Middle Ages Girls from noble families usually married around age 16 to men in their 30’s – 50’s Young men could not marry until had property of their own Girls had little choice of a husband Women had their greatest power and independence while their husbands were away fighting.
15 th century clothing of the nobility