Faith-Based Responses on HIV and AIDS in Asia
Christian Conference of Asia 100 member churches and 16 councils CCA HIV and AIDS Policy approved by the General Committee in Bangkok on October 1, 2009 Involved in HIV Ministry since 1993 through awareness building, capacity building, promotes interfaith dialogue, support to interfaith organization
Conducts Exposure Program for Faith-Based Organizations
Pre-Assembly Forum of PLHIV+
Participates in EAA Activities in the International AIDS Meeting
Activities of Member Churches National Council of Churches in India has an HIV Policy and engage in study of Human Sexuality The Communion of Churches in Indonesia approved their HIV Policy last February St. John’s Cathedral HIV Education Center The Church of Christ in Thailand AIDS Ministry is very active in Chiang Mai.
Activities of Member Churches and Council Myanmar Council of Churches has an HIV Education Program and member churches like Myanmar Baptist Convention Center and Methodist Church have outreach program for PLHIV+. The churches and council in Myanmar support self help groups and links with other FBOs in doing HIV program. UCCP has HIV Program in Cebu City
The United Evangelical Mission Anti AIDS program in Asia is actively promoted in Indonesia, China, and the Philippines. The Maha Borga Marga is an AIDS ministry of the Protestant Church in Bali The PELKESI and other health programs in Indonesia are actively promoting HIV Education CCA collaborates with Micah Network.
Celebrates World AIDS Day
Our personal involvement on AIDS was a visit to a person living with HIV in Just like other concerned Christians, we learned about AIDS from the community. In 1991, we had a workshop for pastors. It was then that the AIDS ministry was founded by a group of Christian leaders deeply concerned about the growing AIDS epidemic in Thailand. The Church of Christ in Thailand AIDS Ministry (CAM) was formally created as an ongoing part of the Church of Christ in Thailand in 1993 and has since expanded significantly across the country. We have eight staff members working from our office in Chiang Mai and across the country starting from Northern Thailand.
Achievements of CAM There are 27 local churches now actively involved in the work on HIV and AIDS. Of these, 15 receive support from the Global Fund on AIDS, TB and Malaria supervised by the Norwegian Church Aid. CAM is now opening new areas for involvement in the Thai-Lao border and Thai-Burma border.
CAM Works with Children
Training Children on Human Sexuality: Reaching out to the Church-Related Schools
St. John’s Cathedral HIV Education Centre in Hong Kong
Activities of St. John’s Cathedral HIV Education Centre St. John’s Cathedral HIV Education Centre (Anglican Church) was the first faith-based institution to undertake the AIDS ministry in Hong Kong. The Centre was founded in 1995 to raise AIDS awareness amongst the general public, build capacity on HIV prevention, promote a more accepting society for PLHIV+ and help create an AIDS free society for our generation. St. John’s Cathedral embarked on the outreach program in 2004 to help Asian Migrant Workers in HongKong meet the challenges of HIV and to provide education on reproductive health.
Asian Interfaith Network on AIDS (AINA)
Conducts Pre ICAAP Interfaith Conference
Organizing Visits to FBOs
Interfaith Network on AIDS in Thailand Established during the Interfaith Conference at Sukothai Thammathirat Open University on July 5- 6, 2003 to reach the goal of “No New Infected Persons”.
Interfaith Network on AIDS in Thailand – receives GF support Capacity Building for HIV workers of FBOs Organize Home- Based Care Offer food, medicine, counseling and health services Emphasize harmonious living
Sangha Metta Project – Buddhist Leadership Initiative Established at Mahamakut Buddhist University, Lanna Campus, Chiangmai, Thailand in 1997 Pramaha Boonchuay Sirindharo provided his leadership in the Project. The Sangha Metta training model has been successfully also used with leaders of Christian, Islam and Hindu in Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Application of the Four Noble Truths to HIV and AIDS Samudaya – Identify cause Of problem Nirodha – Cessation Of Suffering through Identifying Community Resources Magga – Path Leading to Cessation of Suffering Dukkha Identify Problems or Suffering
Core Value Sangha Metta=Loving Kindness
Monk conducts home visit
Indonesia Interfaith Network on AIDS (INTERNA) INTERNA was launched in Surabaya, Indonesia in February President is Dr. Alphinus Kambodji General Secretary is Anggia Ermarini
Co-Sponsored Hindu Leaders’ Caucus in Bangalore in 2008 and 2010 Serves as Base for AINA in India Serves as Base for INERELA Office in India Indian Interfaith Coalition of AIDS
Hindu Response
Asian Muslim Action Network
Muslim Organizations actively participate in AINA
Myanmar Interfaith Network on AIDS MINA was established in Myanmar Baptist Convention on November 17, 2009 Members are Myanmar Catholic HIV and AIDS Network
Opportunities and Challenge for FBOs in Asia Harness potentials through building inner and outer competence in HIV. Mainstream HIV and AIDS activities. Rights-based approach to programming. Secure safe spaces for dialogue on human sexuality. Theology and HIV Live the promise. Put action on policy statements.