RADIAL DESIGN Radial Design Art and life
RADIAL DESIGN What is Radial Design? radial, radiate, and radial balance - Radial refers to anything of, relating to, or arranged like rays.
RADIAL DESIGN Radial balance is any type of balance based on a circle with its design extending from its center.
RADIAL DESIGN What examples of radial balance can you think of in art, nature, or life?
RADIAL DESIGN A star, the iris around each pupil of your eyes, a wheel with spokes, and a daisy (among many flowers and other plant forms) are examples of radial balance.
RADIAL DESIGN Rose Window of the Cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris, interior view.
RADIAL DESIGN Rose Window of the Cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris, exterior view.
RADIAL DESIGN Unknown artist.
RADIAL DESIGN Christoph Hormann (German, 1979-), Star,
RADIAL DESIGN Marian Bantjes (Canadian, contemporary), Mandala, 2004
RADIAL DESIGN ons/buddhistart/construction.htm Click the link below for a comprehensive look at the construction of a Buddhist sand Mandala.
RADIAL DESIGN Student work
RADIAL DESIGN Student work