Virtual excursion across St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg.
And he thought: It’s here we’ll threaten the Swedes from, where we’ll set our city’s first stones to spite our power-drunk neighbours. We’ll make a slave of nature, hack a window through to Europe and by this sea put down firm feet. A. S. Pyshkin “Mednyj vsadnik” St. Petersburg is Peter’s city.
Flag Coat of Arms of Saint Petersburg Symbols.
Transport. Vitebsky Railway Terminal Pulkovo airport Tram Moskovskiye Vorota Square Metro. Admiralteyskaya Station
M e t r o m a p
St. Isaac's Cathedral – one of the biggest dome constructions of the world, its height more than 100 meters also contains a cathedral of people. The cathedral created by great architect August Montferrand is a symbol of the Northern capital. St. Isaac's Cathedral.
The Kazan cathedral is well-known for a grandiose colonnade from 96 columns and to these reminds the Ancient Greek temple. Before a cathedral monuments to commanders M. Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly are established. Kazan Сathedral.
Nikolsky's bottom church of a cathedral is consecrated in honor of the patron traveling Nikolay Chudotvortsa. In the temple there is a part of relics of the sacred. Here celebrated church service all events in the Russian fleet. In memory of victims in the temple memorial boards are established. Nikolsky Sea Сathedral.
Movable bridges. Dvortsovy Bridge Troitsky Bridge
Welcome to St. Petersburg! Автор: Пятибратова Анна ученица 10 класса МБОУ СОШ № г.
Источники: 1. %82%D0%BE%20St.%20Petersburg&noreask=1&pos=22&rpt=simage&lr=213&uinf o=sw-974-sh-655-fw-765-fh-449-pd.jpg fh-449-pd-1&p=1&text=%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%8.jpg 3. 1&p=2&text=%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20St.%20Petersburg&noreask= 1&pos=88&rpt=simage&lr=213& Image%2Ftours%2Fspb-1.jpg 3. 1&p=2&text=%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20St.%20Petersburg&noreask= 1&pos=88&rpt=simage&lr=213& Image%2Ftours%2Fspb-1.jpg t9Xtvtji5m7tUtcYoedfTHHr28ENi4Fe5U2IHun9udDYMwZiB_lz- HYuslrIt8pWf_BkAWt-XtakQ0bgijlxxqjIFTZUFe8Qh4l46Ax0- bHWsxGZ1_sT5xnueCIBqiCO8iOL2fM8X8wTY3TNDr52iGbpflUgXoWTcWa0?dat a=UlNrNmk5WktYejR0eWJFYk1LdmtxamdZYi10ZkQ2cGZkYVpYNFhXT3RuREtU RktGWDJVT0N2dnc0WUdWeEJXMmFDdi1qOTU3VWs2TlZ0V2F1WURTOEJ3OE M0UHlUMl9NRUlCcHFQWGNFbDV0NzV2bF92bHNwYjRIRXVyN0FQNXYxeFRlLV gyVEg5bw&b64e=2&sign=16da7fb1228f03f542c6f8e a&keyno=0&l10n= ru