W HAT Y OU W ILL L EARN Discuss Impressionism and Expressionism in music Describe works by nationalistic composers of the 20 th century Define 12-tone and aleatory, and explain the procedures related to each type of music Describe trends in music toward the end of the 1900’s
V OCABULARY Impressionism Expressionism Dissonance Tonality Atonal Tone row Aleatory music New Romanticism Minimalism
M USICIAN P ROFILES Claude Debussy Igor Stravinsky
I MPRESSIONISM AND E XPRESSIONISM IN M USIC Music and visual arts were in a state of flux Constant search for new modes of expression Music followed the visual arts.
I MPRESSIONISM In 1874 French painters (Claude Monet) created Impression – tried to show the natural effects of sunlight on objects Impressionism : French style of atmospheric music of the late 19 th century Led by Claude Debussy
C LAUDE D EBUSSY Sought his own distinct sound Fluid colorful and atmospheric Free of standard musical forms New harmony “The Sunken Cathedral” 10 th piece from Debussy’s Preludes, Book 1 Paints a vague shimmering image like Monet
A CTIVITY 1, P. 439 CD 12:9CD 12:9 “The Sunken Cathedral” by Claude DebussyThe Sunken Cathedral How does Debussy create the impression of a cathedral? The massive chords using large portions of the keyboard create an image of a large or massive structure What is the musical connection to the imagery in the painting? What musical decisions do you think were made to help create this imagery? Debussy used dynamics and tone color to create imagery
D EBUSSY ’ S INFLUENCE ON R AVEL Debussy’s music served as the model for later composers including Maurice Ravel Bolero Famous classical music Transcribed into many versions A single theme is played throughout
A CTIVITY 2, P. 441 CD 12:10CD 12:10 Bolero by Maurice Ravel (video)video What musical characteristics give the composition unity? The rhythm pattern which continues throughout the entire composition What characteristics create variety? Dynamics, register, and tone color of the various instruments
E XPRESSIONISM Expressionism Expressionism : Musical style that subjective explored deep inner feelings Dissonance Dissonance : Discord in music The Death Scene from Wozzeck Opera by Alban Berg Uses dissonance with powerful effect Breaks the major-minor tonality : The quality of a system of pitches Atonal : Without tonality or a tonal center
W OZZECK Adaptation of the play Wozzeck by the German dramatist Georg Buchner Wozzeck is a soldier driven to murder and madness by society The music projects his disturbed mental state Throughout the murder scene in Act III a single note is played on various instruments Activity 3, p. 442 CD 13:1CD 13:1
N ATIONALIST M USIC AND W ORLD I NFLUENCES Russian Folk Traditions in Stravinsky’s The Firebird (1910) The Firebird is adapted from several Russian fairy tales (video)video This was his first ballet Plot on p. 443 Activity 4, p. 444 CD 13:2CD 13:2 How does Stravinsky’s music convey the drama? If you were to choreograph this ballet, how would you describe the movement to your dancers?
M EXICO ’ S RICH CULTURAL HERITAGE Manuel Maria Ponce ( ) considered: “father of modern Mexican music” Asked by the government to create a composition to celebrate Mexico’s heritage Wrote Instantaneas Mexicanas which includes “Baile del Bajio” Activity 4, p. 445 CD 13:3CD 13:3
B LENDING OF S TYLES Music is influenced and enriched by the music of other cultures and times Heitor Villa-Lobos ( ) Loved the music of J.S. Bach This led him to compose a series of 9 works called Bachianas Brasileras Each sets up a contrast between elements of Baroque and Brazilian musical styles Bachianas Brasileras No. 5 Scored for soprano and 8 violoncellos 2 contrasting sections- a cantilena (a Bach-like aria) and a martelo(a native dance)
A CTIVITY 6, P. 445 CD 13:4CD 13:4 Aria from Bachianas Brasileras No. 5 What elements of Baroque musical style did he include? Melody is Bach-like tune Parts are treated independently polyphonic What elements of Brazilian musical style does his music evoke? Expressiveness Folk-like In your opinion, what is the effect of blending these two styles?
M ID -C ENTURY I NNOVATIONS IN M USIC C OMPOSITION 12-tone music Classical composers became less dependent on the diatonic scale: 7-tone major or minor scale that serves as a building block of Western music Impressionist composers experimented with the chromatic and whole tone scaleswhole tone scales Others too the concept further-sometimes abandoning the tonal center Emphasis on form and structure, not melody
S CHOENBERG ’ S THEORY OF C OMPOSITION 12-tone music 12-tone music emphasized from and structure, not melody Schoenberg devised a method of composition based on the tone row : tone row A series of notes comprising the 12 pitches of the chromatic scale The notes could follow any order as long as none were repeated until the row was complete An entire piece would be comprised of the row(designated O) and the manipulations of it
12- TONE MUSIC 3 ways to manipulate the tone row Retrograde: The notes of the row in reverse (R) Inversion: The notes were turned upside down (I) Retrograde inversion: The notes were played upside down and in reverse (RI) Suite for Piano The row could be transposed and the durations varied In the minuet for his Suite for Piano, Schoenberg transposed the tone row and its forms 4 times Activity 7, p. 449 CD 13:5CD 13:5
A MERICAN A VANTE G ARDE Charles Ives Used simultaneously played melodies A Symphony: Holidays ( ) Four movements each named for a different holiday Activity 8, p. 450 CD 13:6 “Fourth of July”CD 13:6
A LEATORY M USIC Music in which composers deliberately leave parts of the composition and performance undetermined and at the discretion of performers Piece for Any Number of Anythings Figure 19-5, p. 452 Activity 9, p. 451 Activity 10, p. 452
A CTIVITY 9, P A SSIGNMENT Piece for Any Number of Anythings figure 19-5 The conductor must decide: The order of events How long each will last The dynamic level of each event Whether any of the events will be repeated Make these decisions and write down your answers for these questions.
A CTIVITY 10 P. 452 – GROUP ASSIGNMENT Compose Aleatory Music Select three contrasting colors as inspiration for you composition, then follow these steps. Discuss the emotion that each color suggests Experiment with ways to express these emotions with sounds at hand Create a simple three-part descriptive(verbal) score similar to Earle Brown’s Try performing each section with different tempos, dynamics, length, and tone colors to discover the range of expressive possibilities Perform the composition with different conductors, creating the form (order) as you procede.
L ATE T WENTIETH -C ENTURY M USIC New Romanticism: A musical style that combines tonal melody with exotic textures and timbres John Corigliano Pied Piper Fantasy A concerto for flute and orchestra inspired by a Robert Browning poem (p. 453) The concerto is divided into 7 sections based on plot events
A CTIVITY 11, P. 454 CD 13: 7 & 8CD 13: 7 & 8 Pied Piper Fantasy “The Rats” and “ The Piper’s Victory” Describe the music according to mood, timbre, dynamics, contrasts, and other qualities How does the mood change? What parts of the story might the composer be expressing? What characteristics in music suggest the rats have become hypnotized by the piper’s song?
M INIMALISM Minimalism : A style of music that stresses the elements of repetition with changes dictate by a rule or system Due to 12-tone music and other styles the audience for new classical music dwindled Philip Glass wanted to find a new path for musical expression He studied with Indian composer Ravi Shankar
M USIC BASED ON REAL EVENTS Glass made music relevant to today’s society by using political and social events He included Indian, African, classical, and rock elements in his music Satyagraha tells the story of Ghandi Koyaanisquatsi (Hopi Indian term meaning “life out of balance”) deals with the importance of respect for nature Glassworks (1977) started as an instrumental studio work It became a commercial success It offers a wide range of expression
A CTIVITY 12, P. 456 CD 13:9CD 13:9 “Islands” “Islands” from Glassworks– illustrates the simplicity of minimalist music How does Glass create variety with all the repetition? What happens to the texture? Identify when these two musical ideas change register. When does the ostinato pattern move to the high register and the long-noted melody to the low register? How does Glass end the composition?
T HE B EST OF A LL P OSSIBLE W ORLDS Ellen Taafe Zwilich fused music from contrasting periods Concerto Grosso 1985 Commissioned to commemorate the 300 th birthday of Handel Each of 5 movements takes material from the opening movement of a Handel sonata for violin
A CTIVITY 13, P. 457 CD 13:10CD 13:10 Concerto Grosso 1985 What elements of Handel’s musical style are present in the composition? Contrasts of dynamics, driving machine like rhythms What elements of 20 th century musical style are present? Layered dissonance, use of extreme ranges of the instruments Does the juxtaposition of these two styles help or hinder the expressiveness of the music? It brings new levels of expressiveness and style to the music
R EVIEW - T ERMS Aleatory music Music in which composers deliberately leave parts of the composition and performance undetermined and at the discretion of the performers Atonal Without tonality or a tonal center Dissonance Discord in music, suggesting a state of tension Expressionism Musical style that subjectively explored deep inner feelings 12-tone music Emphasized form and structure, not melody
R EVIEW - T ERMS Impressionism French style of atmospheric music of the late 19 th century Minimalism A style of music that stresses the element of repetition with changes dictated by a rule or system New Romanticism A musical style that combines tonal melody with exotic textures and timbers Tonality The quality of a system of pitches Tone row A series of notes comprising the 12 pitches of the chromatic scale
R EVIEW – COMPOSERS AND WORKS Concerto Grosso 1985 Ellen Taafe Zwilich Bachiana Brasileras No. 5 Heitor Villa-Lobos Bolero Maurice Ravel The Firebird ( ballet ) Igor Stravinsky Suite for Piano, Op. 25 Arnold Schoenberg Considered the “father of modern Mexican music” Manuel Maria Ponce Pied Piper Fantasy John Corigliano “Baile del Bajio” Manuel Maria Ponce W ozzeck Alban Berg “The Sunken Cathedral” Claude Debussy “Islands” Phillip Glass Symphony: Holidays Charles Ives 20 th century composer who incorporates Indian, African, classical, and rock elements in his music Phillip Glass
C OMPARE I MPRESSIONISM AND E XPRESSIONISM IN MUSIC, CITING SPECIFIC WORKS AND COMPOSERS. Looked outward for inspiration Used new harmonic forms, timbres, and textures Created atmospheric style Free from standard forms Subtle moods “The Sunken Cathedral” by Debussy Bolero by Ravel Looked inward to deep inner feelings Broke away from major/minor tonality Used dissonance Used harsh jarring timbres Wozzeck by Berg ImpressionismExpressionism
E XPLAIN THE INDIVIDUAL COMPOSITION METHODS OF 12- TONE AND ALEATORY MUSIC Based on tone row Row manipulate via retrograde, inversion, or retrograde inversion Emphasis on form and structure, not melody Open structure Allows the performers to determine how parts of the music will sound 12 toneAleatory