A 123456 B 789101112 C 131415161718 D 192021222324 E 252627282930 KABOOM GAME How much do you know about the second religious bulding? Answer the following.


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Presentation transcript:

A B C D E KABOOM GAME How much do you know about the second religious bulding? Answer the following yes/no questions Avoid the bombs and catch bonus points Comenius project: Listening to the voices of churches and mosques from Western to Eastern Europe


Is St. Francis holding the baby Jesus? YES YES NONO The Roman Catholic Church (Tg Mures), ROMANIA




Can you see the four Evangelists around the pulpit? YESNO The Roman Catholic Church (Tg Mures), ROMANIA

Is the church built in Gothic style? NOYES The Roman Catholic Church (Tg Mures), ROMANIA

Is Hronsky Benadik a monastery? YESNO Hronsky Benadik, SLOVAKIA

Do the monks live in Hronsky Benadik? YESNO Hronsky Benadik, SLOVAKIA

Is there a relic of Saint Benedict´s blood? YES NO Hronsky Benadik, SLOVAKIA

CORRECT BACK There is a relic of Christ´s blood.

The façade was built in a Roman style YESNO La basilique Notre Dame de l'Epine, FRANCE

CORRECT BACK it was built in a Gothic style

The legend about the well says that its water gives eternal life La basilique Notre Dame de l'Epine, FRANCE YES NO

CORRECT BACK it helps women to have babies

The church was built from 1405 to 1542 YESNO La basilique Notre Dame de l'Epine, FRANCE

Is the patron saint of the Big Cathedral “The Ascension of God”? YES NO The Big Orthodox Cathedral in Targu Mures, ROMANIA

Is the porch separated from the nave inside the Big Orthodox Cathedral in Targu Mures? YES NO

The Big Orthodox Cathedral in Targu Mures, ROMANIA Are the iconostasis and the altar the most important parts of the orthodox cathedral? YES NO

Are the expressive realistic portraits of the donors Sebastocrator Kaloyan and his wife Dessislava, and of the Bulgarian Tsar(King) Constantine Asen Tikh and Tsaritsa(Queen) Irina among the oldest portraits of figures from Bulgarian history?portraits of the donors Boyana Church, BULGARIA YES NO

Was the Boyana church included in the List of the World Heritage in 1979? Boyana Church, BULGARIA YESNO

Did the local inhabitants want to destroy the old church and build a new, bigger one in its place( in the early 20 th century)? Boyana Church, BULGARIA YES NO

Has the cathedral pillars? Vilnius Cathedral, LITHUANIA YES NO

Is the Cathedral of the color red? NO YES Vilnius Cathedral, LITHUANIA

Does the cathedral have a separate bell tower? YES NO Vilnius Cathedral, LITHUANIA

Is the place that the people are called to the worship named as minaret? YES NO Sanliurfa Dergah citadel mosque, TURKEY

Is the place that imam makes the people pray named as altar? Sanliurfa Dergah citadel mosque, TURKEY YESNO

Is it the preaching chair in which imam hold sermons? YES NO Sanliurfa Dergah citadel mosque, TURKEY

Santa Maria of Monserrat Cathredal, ITALY This painting is the only original piece of furniture in the church YES NO

Santa Maria of Monserrat Cathredal, ITALY The upper part of the facade, with a triangular shape, is called tympanum YESNO

Santa Maria of Monserrat Cathredal, ITALY The main body of the church, which extends from the main door to the altar, is called aisle YES NO