Leadership Development Models for Advisors and Administrators Tara Stopfel Warden NACADA Annual Conference 2014
Leadership in Advising What do we teach advisors and administrators about leadership?
Leaders Eat Last Simon Sinek (2014) Biochemical underpinnings of leadership Leadership is sacrifice – it is service Highly effective organizations create trusting, safe work environments
Leaders Eat Last “Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe” TED Talk (March 2014)
Simon Sinek “The cost of leadership is self-interest.” “Leadership is a choice. It is not a rank.” “Leaders have chosen to look out for the person to the right of them … and to the left of them. This is what a leader is.” “If you get the environment right, every single one of us has the capacity for these remarkable things. And more importantly, others have that capacity too.” “The only variable we can control is the environment inside the organization. And that’s where leadership matters, because it’s the leader that sets the tone.”
Simon Sinek “When a leader makes the choice to put the safety and the lives of the people inside the organization first – to sacrifice their comforts and sacrifice the tangible results so that people remain, and feel safe and feel like they belong – remarkable things happen.” “The reason we like Southwest Airlines is because they don’t fear their leaders.” “When the people feel safe and protected by the leadership in the organization, the natural reaction is to trust and cooperate.”
What do we sacrifice for our advisors? Our students?
The Leadership Challenge Jim Kouzes & Barry Posner (5 th ed.) Decades of research Most widely used leadership model across industries
Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
Leadership Development for Advisors Distributed leadership model at UC Leadership Challenge Seminar & Workshop Experiential Leadership Development Annual UC Advising Conference Advisor Professional Development Series New Advisor Program UC Advisor Manual Team UCUAADA
Advisor Professional Development Series 2014 Theories of Student Development Ethical Issues in Advising Developing Your Resume or Curriculum Vitae Preparing Your NACADA Conference Presentation Financial Literacy for Academic Advisors Issues Affecting Student Academic Performance Advising Adult Learners Career Advising: Not Just for Exploratory Advisors and Social Media and Advising: Meeting Students Where They Are Best Practices in Advising
Leadership Development for Advising Administrators Executive Leadership Series “Manager as Leader” Workshop Leaders Eat Last book study & retreat Strategic planning process Cross-mentoring Individual consultation
More Recommendations from the Leadership Bookshelf Simon Sinek Start With Why Patrick Lencioni The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team John Maxwell The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership The 5 Levels of Leadership
Suggested Learning Outcomes Know relevant leadership models and principles Identify & discuss related opportunities for change in advising Apply them in daily advising practice and planning Recognize the outcomes of good leadership Value the benefits of good leadership practice
Tara Stopfel Warden Provostal Liaison for Advising Director, Advising & Academic Services