The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton Chapter Choices Charts and Assignments Note: You must choose assignments from a minimum of 2 of the following learning styles: visual/spatial, expressive, reflective, logical, musical. This project will also include a learning style reflection.
Chapter Choices Learning Style Ch. 1-2 Character Identities (due 4/25) Perspective (due 4/29) Ch. 5-6 Divided Communities (due 5/2) Ch. 7-8 Individuality and Innocence (due 5/6) Ch. 9-10 Family (due 5/9) Ch. 11-12 Sacrifice and Empathy (due 5/13) FINAL CHOICE (due 5/16) Visual/Spatial Character Connection Drawing Multiple Perspective Illustration Divided Community Illustration Individuality and Innocence Illustration and Comparison Family Movie Poster Sacrifice or Empathy Town Diagram or Board Game Expressive Character Connection Poem Scene Re-Write “Hair” Poem Biography Poem Family “Word Cloud” Collage Sacrifice or Empathy Poem 10 Diary Entries Reflective Short Essay Compare/Contrast Greaser & Soc Perspectives “Dear Abby” Advice Column Character Diary Entry Ponyboy and YOU” Family Comparison Impactful Event Journal Entry Essay: What is “Gold” to you? Logical Character Identity Map Perspective Defense Weighing the Pros and Cons Character Twitter feed or Facebook Page Ponyboy and YOU DOUBLE BUBBLE Character Interview TV News Report or Editorial Musical Character "Theme Song" Perspective Song Divided Communities Song Individuality Song Family Song Sacrifice/ Empathy Novel Song Playlist
Chapter 1-2 Character Connection Drawing DIRECTIONS Illustrate a picture of yourself next to a character from the novel. Include at least 3 characteristics that make you similar to or different from the character of your choice. Title the drawing. Cite the text evidence at the bottom of your drawing. Illustrations must be colored and demonstrate an effort to depict the similarities or differences between you and the character. Back to Chart
Chapter 1-2 Character Connection Poem Which one of the characters in the novel do you connect with most? Why? Or, is there a character who you feel is your exact opposite? DIRECTIONS: -Write a poem about your connection with one of the characters in the novel. -Include at least 3 traits that you both share, or that make you opposites. -Consider the elements of a poem (they often contain figurative language and a rhyme scheme). -Cite and explain textual evidence (include page #) of your chosen character’s traits at the end of the poem. Back to Chart
Chapter 1-2 Character Connection Short Essay Which one of the characters in the novel do you connect with most? Why? Or, is there a character who you feel is your exact opposite? DIRECTIONS: Write a short essay response (3-5 paragraphs) about your connection with one of the characters in the novel. Include at least 3 traits that you both share, or that make you opposites. Cite the text evidence of your chosen character’s traits. Follow the provided RUBRIC for exemplary writing. Back to Chart
Chapter 1-2 Character Connection Identity Map Directions: Choose a character from The Outsiders and write his or her name in the center of this paper. Starting from the name and working your way out, write words, phrases, and anything else that defines the character and his or her identity. Consider adding illustrations, symbols and use color. Get creative! Remember that identity can include the activities he/she enjoys, his/her family, his/her friends, the groups he/she belongs to, his/her beliefs, and even how s/he dresses. (Refer back to your own identity map if needed). Be sure to cite text evidence and include at least 5 elements of your characters identity. Back to Chart
Chapter 1-2 Character Connection “Theme Song” DIRECTIONS: Give title of song and name of the artist. Include a minimum of one paragraph summary . Explain how the song connects to the character of your choice. Provide textual evidence by citing and explaining at least two quotes from the book (with page number) to support your connection to the song. Provide a copy of lyrics. Note: Song choice must be school appropriate with clean lyrics. Please get your song approved before proceeding. Back to Chart
Chapter 3-4 Multiple Perspective Illustration DIRECTIONS Illustrate a sunset from two perspectives. Title the drawing. Provide a caption with drawing with a quote from the reading that connects to this dual perspective. Be sure to color illustrations. Demonstrate an effort to show the theme: Multiple Perspectives. Back to Chart
Chapter 3-4 Multiple Perspective Scene Rewrite This story is told from Ponyboy’s perspective. It’s almost like we are sitting in a room with him when he tells us the story. This technique allows the reader to become intimately acquainted with Ponyboy’s character and he shares with us his most private and personal feelings and perspectives about the events and characters in the narrative. DIRECTIONS: -Re-write the scene from the drive-in movie from Dallas’ or Cherry’s perspective. (What do you think was going through Cherry’s mind when she was being harassed by Dally? Or why was Dally choosing to harass her?). -Make sure that your scene matches the plot of the novel. -Include plenty of details to connect the story to the readers and paint a picture of what’s happening. - See this RUBRIC for information about how the re-write is scored. Back to Chart
Chapter 3-4 Multiple Perspective Compare/Contrast Greaser & Soc Perspectives DIRECTIONS Pick an event so far in the novel in which both the Greasers and the Socs are present (Ponyboy walking home from the movies, the drive in etc.) Make a list to compare and contrast the perspectives of the Socs and the Greasers in your chosen scene Include at least 3 perspectives from each side Cite at least 3 quotes from the novel Back to Chart
Chapter 3-4 Multiple Perspective “Perspective Defense” DIRECTIONS The novel is written from Ponyboy’s, a Greaser’s, perspective. Pick a scene from our reading thus far and defend the actions of the Socs from their perspective Should be at least two(2) paragraphs Should include at least 3 quotes from the novel See this RUBRIC for information about exemplary writing. Back to Chart
Chapter 3-4 Multiple Perspective Song choice Directions Title of song and name of the artist Minimum of one paragraph summary Explains how the song connects to the theme of multiple perspectives Cites at least one quote from the book that supports your connection to the song Link to song or copy of lyrics Song choice is school appropriate with clean lyrics and no innuendos. Please get your song approved before proceeding. Back to Chart
Chapter 5-6 Divided community Illustration DIRECTIONS Illustrate a scene from the novel that depicts the divided community Title the drawing Caption with drawing with a quote from the book, be sure to correctly cite the text evidence. Illustrations must be colored and demonstrate an effort to depict the Back to Chart
Chapter 5-6 Divided community "Hair” Poem DIRECTIONS Choice 1: Hair is a very important element of being a Greaser. Write a poem about the importance of dark, greased back hair in the 1950s. What did it symbolize? What happens if someone cuts their hair off? Choice 2: Write a poem about something in TODAY’S culture that has a significance similar to that of the Greaser’s hair in the novel. Back to Chart
Chapter 5-6 Divided community “Dear Abby” DIRECTIONS Write a letter to the advice columnist, Abby, as if you were one of the characters in the novel. Pick a problem that arises in the storyline and ask “Abby” for advice Pretend you are “Abby” and write a response, offering a solution to the novel Include at least one citation from the text The column should be at least one handwritten page or one half typed page - See this RUBRIC for information about exemplary writing. Back to Chart
Chapter 5-6 Divided community Pros and Cons DIRECTIONS: Johnny must decide whether or not to turn himself in... -List the reason FOR and the reasons AGAINST doing this. -Cite at least one(1) PRO and one CON mentioned in the novel -Include at least two(2) of your own reasons. -State which reason you think is the most compelling. -Explain the other alternatives Johnny might have had. -Argue whether or not Johnny made the right choice in 3-5 sentences. Back to Chart
Chapter 5-6 Divided community Song DIRECTIONS: Title of song and name of the artist Minimum of one paragraph summary Explains how the song connects to the theme of DIVIDED COMMUNITIES Cites at least one quote from the book that supports your connection to the song Link to song or copy of lyrics Song choice is school appropriate with clean lyrics and no innuendos. Please get your song approved before proceeding. Back to Chart
Chapter 7-8 Individuality and Innocence Graphic DIRECTIONS Illustrate a scene from the novel that depicts the theme of individuality or innocence Title the drawing Caption with drawing with a quote from the book, be sure to correctly cite the text evidence. Illustrations must be colored and demonstrate an effort to depict the Back to Chart
Chapter 7-8 Individuality and Innocence Biography Poem DIRECTIONS: Write a biographical poem of Ponyboy. Choice 1: Incorporate his struggle to be an individual within the Greasers Choice 2: Include ways that he has lost his innocence Back to Chart
Chapter 7-8 Individuality and Innocence Diary Entry DIRECTIONS Write a diary entry from the perspective of a character of your choice The entry should be at least a page handwritten or a half page typed Include the themes INDIVIDUALITY and Loss of NNOCENCE in the entry Refer to a specific event that has occurred in the novel Cite at least 2 quotes from the text. See this RUBRIC for more information about exemplary writing Back to Chart
Chapter 7-8 Individuality and Innocence TWITTER Feed DIRECTIONS -Create a twitter feed of one of the characters detailing the events at the hospital and leading up to the rumble. -Include a picture(drawing or photo) of the character who is tweeting -Include a short character bio -Must have at least 5 tweets -Must have at least two “re-tweets” or responses from other characters -Must include at least 3 citations from the book -Must include at least one statement about the individuality or loss of innocence for the character who is tweeting Back to Chart
Chapter 7-8 Individuality and Innocence Song DIRECTIONS: Title of song and name of the artist Minimum of one paragraph summary Explains how the song connects to the theme of INDIVIDUALITY or INNOCENCE Cites at least one quote from the book that supports your connection to the song Link to song or copy of lyrics Song choice is school appropriate with clean lyrics and no innuendos. Please get your song approved before proceeding. Back to Chart
Chapter 9-10 Family Graphic Illustrate a scene from the novel that depicts the theme of family Title the drawing Caption with drawing with a quote from the book, be sure to correctly cite the text evidence. Illustrations must be colored and demonstrate an effort to depict the theme Back to Chart
Chapter 9-10 Family Word Collage Directions: On a digital document or blank sheet of paper create a word cloud collage of words, phrases, and quotes from The Outsiders that describe Ponyboy’s family. Include a minimum of 50 words The entire page should be covered Cite at least 3 quotes from the book. Should be eye-catching and neat Back to Chart
Chapter 9-10 Family Ponyboy and You DIRECTIONS Write a one page reflection comparing your family to Ponyboy’s family. What do your families have in common? What is different about them? Include at least five citations from the text See this RUBRIC for more information about exemplary writing Back to Chart
Chapter 9-10 Family “Ponyboy and you” Double Bubble DIRECTIONS Create a Double Bubble Map of Ponyboy’s family and yours. Include the members of both families and detail what makes your families different and what they have in common. Must include at least 5 text citations Back to Chart
Chapter 9-10 Family Song Back to Chart DIRECTIONS Title of song and name of the artist Minimum of one paragraph summary Explains how the song connects to the theme of FAMILY Cites at least one quote from the book that supports your connection to the song Link to song or copy of lyrics Song choice is school appropriate with clean lyrics and no innuendos. Please get your song approved before proceeding. Back to Chart
Chapter 11-12 Sacrifice and Empathy Graphic DIRECTIONS Illustrate a scene from the novel that depicts the theme of sacrifice and/or empathy Title the drawing Caption with drawing with a quote from the book, be sure to correctly cite the text evidence. Illustrations must be colored and demonstrate an effort to depict the theme. Back to Chart
Chapter 11-12 Sacrifice and Empathy Poem DIRECTIONS Write a poem about a moment in the novel when one of the characters exemplifies sacrifice or empathy. Include at least 1 citation Back to Chart
Chapter 11-12 Sacrifice and Empathy Impactful Event Journal Entry DIRECTIONS Write a one-page journal entry about an impactful event in your life and compare it to the events that happened in Ponyboy’s life. Questions to consider: Have you ever lost a dear friend or family member? Has anyone ever made sacrifices for you? Has there ever been a divide in your community, family, or group of friends? See this RUBRIC for more information about exemplary writing Back to Chart
Chapter 11-12 Sacrifice and Empathy Character Interview DIRECTIONS: -Pretend you are a reporter conducting an interview with one of the Greasers -Write a one page “Interview” including your questions and the Greaser’s answers -Consider “asking questions” about -Dally’s sacrifice -Johnny’s sacrifice -The feelings of the Greaser being interviewed -Include at least 3 text citations See this RUBRIC for more information about exemplary writing Back to Chart
Chapter 11-12 Sacrifice and Empathy Song DIRECTIONS: Title of song and name of the artist Minimum of one paragraph summary Explains how the song connects to the themes of either SACRIFICE or EMPATHY Cites at least one quote from the book that supports your connection to the song Link to song or copy of lyrics Song choice is school appropriate with clean lyrics and no innuendos. Please get your song approved before proceeding. Back to Chart
Final Graphic Back to Chart Cartoon strip, Children’s Book, or ZOOBURST Demonstrates an understanding of the chosen theme Includes no less than 10 slides, pages, or boxes if it is Each illustration is captioned Cites text evidence Back to Chart
Final Expressive Back to Chart 10 Diary entries from the perspective of a character of your choice, detailing the events of the novels and any reflections that character might have. Cites text evidence at the end of the document Follows the RUBRIC for style, conventions, focus, content, and organization Back to Chart
Final Reflective Back to Chart Essay: What is “GOLD” to you? Follows writing RUBRIC Cites text evidence(at least 5) Back to Chart
Final Logical Back to Chart TV News Report or Editorial CHOICES: The Rumble The Fire Obituary for a character’s death OR Create a town diagram with text evidence Hard copy or digital Back to Chart
Final Playlist Back to Chart Create a playlist of 10 songs that would coincide with the themes and events of the novel. Each song choice should include: Title of song and name of the artist A summary explaining how the song connects to the novel and its themes. At least one citation from the book that supports your connection to the song Link to song or copy of lyrics Song choice is school appropriate with clean lyrics and no innuendos. Please get your song approved before proceeding. Back to Chart