OT Sacrifices As A Type Of Christian Worship
As we study this subject I think it wise to begin with the question. “What is the purpose of sacrifices?” After man sinned direct access to God was lost so a sacrificial system came into plan? Sacrifices were offered for various reasons.
Consecration – to show devotion and reverence to God. Expiration – to have sins covered and forgiven. Propitiation – to appease or satisfy divine anger. Sacrifices (gifts, offerings) were something of value, usually an animal sacrifice.
It was then offered to God for justification (forgiveness, cleansing of sins). So that the worship, homage and reverence rendered would be acceptable to God. Question: If it cost you nothing is it really a sacrifice? 2.Sam.24:21- So much of what people consider sacrifice is not so in God’ eyes.
Is insincerity, half-hearted, convenience really sacrifice? Today we no longer are under the OT sacrificial system. It was abolished by Jesus’ death Col.2: A study of Heb.5-10 would be profitable to learn why the OT system was both ineffective, inadequate for the needs of man.
The OT system was only a shadow and type of the realities we now enjoy in Christ. It is not my purpose to discuss the differences, but to draw some parallels that might make our worship today more acceptable. The primary lesson. God teaches man through His word HOW He expects to be worshipped.
Regardless of which dispensation or religious system man has lived under God determines what He will accept, and from whom He will accept it. He regulates Who, Where, What, How, When sacrifices will be acceptable for true worship, homage and reverence. He tells man what He wants.
He provides the pattern (details) to be followed. He then warns men they must not deviate from His plan. He WILL NOT accept less. Heb.8:5. God gives Moses the pattern for the tabernacle. He then “divinely instructs” him not to change it. Moses didn’t Ex.25:9, 40.
Chrematizo (to admonish, warn, give a divine oracle) to do exactly as He instructed. He later did the same thing for the temple built by Solomon 1.Chron. 28:7, Even though we no longer have the tabernacle, temple (shadows) the true, real tabernacles exists in the Lord’s church.
With the New temple, church (the substance, not the shadow) God expects no less than He did with the Old. His divine instructions must be respected Jn.12:48; Matt.28:20; Acts 2:42; Col.3:17; 1.Pet.4:11. Don’t deviate from the pattern. God will not accept any changes Rev.11:1.
In previous times God chose WHO was acceptable to offer sacrifices Priests had to be of tribe of Levi to be qualified to serve as priests and offer sacrifices. They had to qualify in life also Lev.21 (marriage, no body defects) They were His special people. The WHO today, priesthood of believers 1.Pet.2:5, 9.
Only those qualified by new birth, cleansed, purified can serve and offer sacrifices to God 1.Pet.1:22, 23; 2.Tim.2:19-21; Tit.2: WHERE are the sacrifices to be offered? In the church of Christ (not the building, but people). This is God’s real temple today 1.Cor.3:16-17; 1.Pet.2:5. No acceptable worship elsewhere
Outside the true temple sacrifice is unacceptable regardless of sincerity, price. WHAT are acceptable sacrifices? God wants the very best, not leavings, partials, etc. OT sacrifices – animals of proper age, sex, no physical blemish. NT - whole hearts, clean lives, time and work Rom.12:1-2; 2.Cor.8:5.
HOW are sacrifices to be offered? God gave specific instructions of how to administer sacrifices. Burn incense with special fire, no changes Lev.10:12. Enter Holy of holies. Only high priest cleansed, with incense and blood of qualified goat. Blood sprinkled on mercy seat.
We enter with incense (prayers) and blood of Christ. We bring ourselves to offer what we are (heart, mind, lips, lives) Heb.13:15; 10: WHEN do we offer sacrifices? God set the times. In OT incense daily, lamps lighted at dusk, showbread weekly, yearly day of atonement.
God set time for Christians. They continued steadfastly Acts 2:42. Prayers continually. Sing praises whenever. As collective – all together take Lord’s Supper weekly. Collection weekly. Ps.19:14.