Ms. Ramos
Relationships btwn world govts Connected w/other actors, social structure, geographical & historical influences Trend: globalization 9-11 Recession Ms. Ramos
How can countries serve their collective interests when doing so requires member to forgo their interest? Ms. Ramos
How to provide something that benefits all members of a group regardless of what each member contributes to it? Ms. Ramos
Dominance Reciprocity Identity Ms. Ramos
Solves CG prob by est a pwr hierarchy in which those at top control those below Ms. Ramos
Solves CG by rewarding behavior that contributes to the group & punishing behavior that pursues self-interest at the expense of a group Ms. Ramos
Id of participants as members of a community- members of an identity community care about the interests of others in the community enough to sacrifice their own interests to benefit others Ms. Ramos
Nuclear proliferation: Dominance Reciprocity Identity Ms. Ramos
Territory Government Population sovereignty Ms. Ramos
Set of relationships among states Modern Before: city-states, empires Idea nations have own states: nation states Some political units not recognized: Taiwan Ms. Ramos
Operate across international borders Ms. Ramos
Orgs whose members are national govt OPEC WTO NATO Ms. Ramos
Companies in many countries Ms. Ramos
Private organizations Ms. Ramos
Exist in one country but either influence the country’s foreign policy or operates internationally or both Ms. Ramos
Abb TypeWho?Example IGO Intergov Org Members are gov NGO MNC Ms. Ramos
Abb TypeWho?Example IGO Intergov Org Members are gov UN, NATO, Arab League NGO MNC Ms. Ramos
Abb TypeWho?Example IGO Intergov Org Members are gov UN, NATO, Arab League NGO Nongov Org Indiv & Groups are members MNC Ms. Ramos
Abb TypeWho?Example IGO Intergov Org Members are gov UN, NATO, Arab League NGO Nongov Org Indiv & Groups are members Amnesty Intl, LIONS Club, Red Cross MNC Ms. Ramos
Abb TypeWho?Example IGO Intergov Org Members are gov UN, NATO, Arab League NGO Nongov Org Indiv & Groups are members Amnesty Intl, LIONS Club, Red Cross MNC Multinatio nal Corp Co in many nations Ms. Ramos
Abb TypeWho?Example IGO Intergov Org Members are gov UN, NATO, Arab League NGO Nongov Org Indiv & Groups are members Amnesty Intl, LIONS Club, Red Cross MNC Multinatio nal Corp Co in many nations Exxon Mobile, Toyota, Wal-Mart Ms. Ramos
Abb TypeWho?Example IGO Intergov Org Members are gov UN, NATO, Arab League NGO Nongov Org Indiv & Groups are members Amnesty Intl, LIONS Club, Red Cross MNC Multinatio nal Corp Co in many nations Exxon Mobile, Toyota, Wal-Mart Others/ Substate Indiv, cities, constituencies Ms. Ramos
Abb TypeWho?Example IGO Intergov Org Members are gov UN, NATO, Arab League NGO Nongov Org Indiv & Groups are members Amnesty Intl, LIONS Club, Red Cross MNC Multinatio nal Corp Co in many nations Exxon Mobile, Toyota, Wal-Mart Others/ Substate Indiv, cities, constituencies Bono, al Qaeda Ms. Ramos
Global Interstate Domestic Individual Ms. Ramos
Great leaders Crazy leaders Decision making in crisis Psych of perception & decision Learning Assassinations/ accidents in hist Citizen participation Ms. Ramos
Nationalism Ethnic conflict Type of gov Democracy Dictatorship Pol parties & elections Public opinion Gender Econ sectors Military- industrial complex F.P. bureaucracies Ms. Ramos
Pwr Balance of pwr Alliances Wars Treaties Trade agreements IGO Diplomacy Summit mtgs Bargaining Reciprocity Ms. Ramos
N-S gap World regions Euro imperialism UN Religious fundamentalism Terrorism World environ Tech change Info rev Global telecomm World sci & business communities Ms. Ramos