Marvin Minsky(1927-) American cognitive scientist in the field of AI Toshiba Professor of Media Arts and Sciences Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Co-founder of Massachusetts Institute of Technology's AI Laboratory
Brief Biography Born in NYC Attended The Fieldstone School and the Bronx High School of Science Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts Served in the US Navy from 1944 to 1945 BA in Mathematics from Harvard (1950) PhD in the same field from Princeton (1954) In 1959 with John McCarthy founded the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Interesting Fact Minsky is listed on Google Directory as one of the all time top 6 people in the field of Artificial intelligence Minsky is listed on Google Directory as one of the all time top 6 people in the field of Artificial intelligence
Latest significant works The Emotion Machine(2006) The Emotion Machine(2006) The Society of Mind (1985) The Society of Mind (1985)
INVENTIONS 1951 Stochastic Neural Analog Reinforcement Computer (SNARC): First Neural Network Simulator 1951 Stochastic Neural Analog Reinforcement Computer (SNARC): First Neural Network Simulator 1955 Confocal Scanning Microscope 1955 Confocal Scanning Microscope
INVENTIONS 1967 Serpentine Hydraulic Robot Arm (Boston Museum of Science) 1967 Serpentine Hydraulic Robot Arm (Boston Museum of Science) 1970 The "Muse" Musical Variations Synthesizer (with E. Fredkin) 1970 The "Muse" Musical Variations Synthesizer (with E. Fredkin)
INVENTIONS 1972 First LOGO "turtle" device (with S. Papert) 1972 First LOGO "turtle" device (with S. Papert)
Honors Turing Award, Association for Computing Machinery, 1970 Doubleday Lecturer, Smithsonian Institution, 1978 Messenger Lecturer, Cornell University, 1979 Dr. Honoris Causa, Free University of Brussels, 1986 Dr. Honoris Causa, Pine Manor College, 1987 Killian Award, MIT, 1989 Japan Prize Laureate, 1990 Research Excellence Award, IJCAI 1991 Joseph Priestly Award, 1995 Rank Prize, Royal Society of Medicine, 1995 Computer Pioneer Award, IEEE Computer Society, 1995 R.W. Wood Prize, Optical Society of America, 2001 Benjamin Franklin Medal, Franklin Institute, 2001 In Praise of Reason Award, World Skeptics Congress, 2002
Patrick Henry Winston American computer scientist American computer scientist Director of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory(1972 to 1997) Director of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory(1972 to 1997) Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science at the MIT Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science at the MIT Student of Marvin Minsky Student of Marvin Minsky
Profound works Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence The Psychology of Computer Vision The Psychology of Computer Vision LISP (with Berthold K. P. Horn) LISP (with Berthold K. P. Horn) On to C On to C On to C++ On to C++ On to Java (with Sundar Narasimhan) On to Java (with Sundar Narasimhan) On to Smalltalk On to Smalltalk
Courses at MIT Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence The Human Intelligence Enterprise The Human Intelligence Enterprise
How to Speak Annual course Annual course Series of tips and strategies, developed and honed over decades, for mastering the art of speaking Series of tips and strategies, developed and honed over decades, for mastering the art of speaking
How to Start Don’t start with a joke. Do start with a menu. Do provide an empowerment promise.
Big Four Cycling. Cycling. Verbal Punctuation. Verbal Punctuation. Near Miss. Near Miss. Ask Rhetorical Questions. Ask Rhetorical Questions.
The Tools Time and Place. Time and Place. The Board. The Board. Slides. Slides. Props. Props.
How to Stop Deliver on your promise made at the beginning. Deliver on your promise made at the beginning. Tell a joke. Tell a joke. Call for questions. Call for questions. Don’t thank the audience Don’t thank the audience End with a salute. End with a salute.
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