International Summit on ICT in Education EDU-SUMMIT 2009 Closing Session June 12, 2009 Reflections Joke Voogt & Gerald Knezek Handbook Editors University of Twente,The Netherlands & University of North Texas, USA
Emerging topics Formal & informal learning Digital entitlement & digital equity Skills necessary for success in the 21st century Technology, Pedagogy & Learning –TPCK
Refinement of products Chairs & rapporteurs : finalize 2 page write-up of the outcomes Wiki Blog
Dissemination Interviews – Didactief (willl become available in English) Video interviews – Editorials –Ann Thompson (for 9 IT journals in USA) –Don Knezek Learning and leading with technology – and others …. Presentation of outcomes at conferences: Chairs & rapporteurs Paperback copies of sections
Keeping the ball rolling Community of Practice (Web 2.0) A structure for policy makers, leadership and researchers to meet Journal to realize Handbook updates –11 sections –3 issues per year –Guest editorship
Keep the ball rolling June 2009, NECC, Washington, USA (D. Knezek) July 2009, WCCE, Bento Goncalves, Brasil (Symposium: Voogt, G. Knezek, Cox, Wing, Nikolov, Litto, Sakomoto) October, 2009, Westlake conference on 21st century learning, China (Searson) November 2009 Technology & Teaching Summit, Austin, USA (Resta) January 2010 NTLS, Homululu, HI (Knezek) January 2010 Word Forum, London (Cox) March 2010, SITE, San Diego, USA (G. Knezek) July, 2010 The Future of Teacher and School Leader Education, Sydney, Australia
Kennisnet, Becta and ISTE collaborate on making the Call for Action happen Keeping the ball rolling