Definition: a comparison between two things in order to clarify or dramatize a point Derivative: analogies Sentence: Birds look similar to guns so this picture demonstrates the analogy of a bird and a gun. Part of Speech: noun Link: bird and a gun
Definition: to destroy completely; reduce to nothingness Derivatives: annihilates, annihilated, annihilating Sentence: Is this a joke? Microsoft has a program called “Annihilate” for haters of Windows. Part of Speech: verb Link: Is this a joke?
Definition: a standard by which something is or can be judged Derivative: criterions Sentence: Sometimes I wonder what the criterion is for advertising on television. Part of Speech: noun Link: advertising on television
Definition: to flow or come out from a source; come forth Derivatives: emanates, emanated, emanating Sentence: The smell of baking bread emanates throughout the kitchen. Part of Speech: verb Link: baking bread
Definition: emphasizing the whole and the interdependence of its parts, rather than the parts separately Derivative: holistically Sentence: Holistic is looking at the whole instead of the parts. Holistic grading is used on many standardized writing tests. Part of Speech: adjective Link: Holistic is...
Definition: a substance which contains no medicine, but which the receiver believes is the medicine Derivative: placebos Sentence: When experiments are done with new medications, doctors use “sugar pills” or placebos for the control group. The patients do not know they are not getting the regular medications. Part of Speech: noun Link: sugar pills
Definition: skilled; expert Derivative: proficiently Sentence: Education is necessary to become proficient in anything. Part of Speech: adjective Link: education is necessary
Definition: firm; loyal; strong in support Derivatives: staunchly, staunchness Sentence: Jerry Lewis is a staunch supporter of the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Part of Speech: adjective Link: Jerry Lewis, Muscular Dystrophy Association
Definition: acting or intending to undermine or overthrow something established Derivative: subversively Sentence: Osama Bin Laden’s subversive actions to undermine the American ideal on September 11, 2001 failed. If anything it brought Americans closer together. Part of Speech: adjective Link: Osama Bin Laden
Definition: to clear from blame or suspicion; justify or prove right Derivatives: vindicates, vindicated, vindicating Sentence: Often when a trial is over and the defendant is proved innocent (cleared from blame) in a court of law, the newspaper will print a story vindicating the defendant. Part of Speech: verb Link: clear from blame