Haydn: The Joke LO: To be able to recall detailed information about the musical features of Haydn’s The Joke. C I list and define key features found in the set work B I provide detailed examples to demonstrate my understanding of the set work. A I apply my knowledge of the set work correctly to an unheard extract of music
Background to Haydn 1.Using the information, highlight what you consider to be key information. 2.Now summarise your notes into 3 sentences. Write this down. 3.Now boil this down into 5 key words.
Write the key words that match these definitions. Arco anacrusis sforzando acciaccatura Rondo passing note diatonic String Quartet double stopping pedal Arco anacrusis sforzando acciaccatura Rondo passing note diatonic String Quartet double stopping pedal
Haydn: The Joke LO: To be able to recall detailed information about the musical features of Haydn’s The Joke. C I list and define key features found in the set work B I provide detailed examples to demonstrate my understanding of the set work. A I apply my knowledge of the set work correctly to an unheard extract of music
Haydn Treasure Hunt Find the following information in the unmarked copies of the Anthology: Yo ho me hearties! each section of rondo form dominant 7 th chord a pedal note in section B arpeggio movement in the melody 2 examples of homorhythms 4 different examples of ornamentation
Haydn: The Joke LO: To be able to recall detailed information about the musical features of Haydn’s The Joke. C I list and define key features found in the set work B I provide detailed examples to demonstrate my understanding of the set work. A I apply my knowledge of the set work correctly to an unheard extract of music
What words would we expect to use in the listening exam? Melody Rhythm Texture Dynamics
A2 Listening