Blackened By MetallicaMetallica Ppt. by Curren Ficco
Blackened Blackened is the end Winter it will send Throwing all you see Into obscurity Death of Mother Earth Never a rebirth Evolution's end Never will it mend Never
Chorus Fire To begin whipping dance of the dead Blackened is the end To begin whipping dance of the dead Color our world blackened
Blackened Blistering of earth Terminate its worth Deadly nicotine Kills what might've been Callous, frigid chill Nothing left to kill Never seen before Breathing nevermore Never
Blackened Opposition, contradiction, premonition, compromise Agitation, violation, mutilation, planet dies Darkest color Blistered earth True death of life
Blackened Termination, expiration, cancellation, human race Expectation, liberation, population laid to waste See our mother Put to death See our mother die
Blackened Smoldering decay Take her breath away Millions of our years In minutes disappears Darkening in vain Decadence remains All is said and done Never is the sun Never
Final Chous Fire To begin whipping dance of the dead Blackened is the end To begin whipping dance of the dead Fire Is the outcome of hypocrisy Darkest potency In the exit of humanity Color our world blackened Blackened
War War is the oldest way that primates (including humans) and some species of ants have waged conflict with each other to fight for land and dominance. This concept has evolved some countries and species into blood thirsty war pigs who wish to control everything. War has caused the uprising and downfall of many things such as Japan or Iraq. Back
Cold War The Cold War was the a political war between the superpowers of the world after WW2 (USA vs. USSR) from This completely divided Europe by what British Prime Minister Winstion Churchill called “The Iron Curtin”. This was the reason the United States has the Containment policy to protect democracy at all costs. Back
Nuclear Holocaust Nuclear holocaust is what most people fear would be the end of the world. Most believe that a large stockpile of atomic weapons will be set off and demolish all of the human population Back
Appeasment Appeasement is when you try to give an aggressor what they want. This is a tactic used to stop a war before it starts. The most famous use was by Great Britain to try to stop the Nazi invasion of Europe in Back
Nuclear Warfare Nuclear warfare is when you fight a battle or a war with nuclear weapons. This is usually as a last resort or used as a threat to win a war before it starts. This is used usually with extreme precaution and is usually frowned upon. Back
Armageddon Is the scenario that is known as the end of humanity or the end of the world. There are many theories on how this will happen and half of them are man caused, either war or nuclear apocalypse, other ones include natural disasters. Back
Tone The song is mostly a serious and angry tone almost in a foreshadowing way predicting the world is ending. Back
Rhyme scheme AA BB CC DD E Back
Foreshadowing Foreshadowing is when there is a prediction that is given in dialog as a clue to what will happen in later times. Back
Mother Mother is a referral to mother earth/mother nature, or the planet we live on a personification of everything green. Back
Setting The setting is during a heated area in the world where everyone is on the brink of war which could potentially end the world Back
Biography Metallica, one of the biggest and most influential heavy metal/thrash metal bands of all time who has been putting out CD’s since 1983 and are still making more. Their current lineup of the band is James Hetfield on rhythm guitar and vocals, Kirk Hammett on lead guitar, Lars Ulrich on drums, and Robert Trujillo on bass though during the CD …And Justice for All the bassist was Jason Newsted because their old bassist Cliff Burton died in a bus crash two years before. The band was started in 1981 when drummer Lars Ulrich, who put an ad in a newspaper looking for a guitarist, a few days later the ad was answered by one James Hetfield. Later they found lead guitar player Dave Mustaine, who was kicked out of the band shortly after the release of their first album Kill ‘em All. Shortly after, they called one Kirk Hammett and asked if he wanted to join, he thought it was an April fool’s joke and agreed to join. The next day James gave a follow up call and Kirk realized this was now joke, they flew him in from northern California and the full front of Metallica was formed. After that, they released the CD’s Ride The Lightning, Garage Days, and Master of Puppets. Soon after the release of Master of Puppets, while touring in Sweden, there was a bus accident and the bus flipped and crashed, there was only on fatality in the crash. Sadly, it was Metallica’s own Cliff Burton. A few days later, they buried him and played a song that wasn’t released until the recent re- released on the album Master of Puppets, the song was called Orion. After that they recruited bass player Jason Newsted who played with them and made the CD’s …And Justice For All, Metallica (the black album), Garage Days Revisited, Load, ReLoad, and S&M, and then left the band for unknown reasons in early Two years later, they recruited their most recent member and current bass player Robert Trujillo. Together these four have been constantly touring and are still writing and releasing songs. Back
The Band From left to right Jason Newsted, Kirk Hammett, Lars Ulrich, James Hetfield
Websites ames.php ames.php winter.htm winter.htm
Websites d_war.htm d_war.htm appeasement.htm appeasement.htm dia/Extermination_camp/ dia/Extermination_camp/ m/general/glossary.htm m/general/glossary.htm
Citations Bayer, Alex. "Band Bio." All Metallica. (accessed September 27, 2009). Alex Bayer, "Band Bio," All Metallica, info/ (accessed September 27, 2009). Carvalho, Hugo. "The Band." Met Page. index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=213&Itemid=33 (accessed January 9, 2010). Hugo Carvalho, "The Band," Met Page, index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=213&Itemid=33 (accessed January 9, 2010). Hadland, Sem. "Songs." Encymet. (accessed February 20, 2010). Sem Hadland, "Songs," Encymet, songs.shtml (accessed February 20, 2010). Metallica. "Band History." Metallica. (accessed May 13, 2010). Metallica, "Band History," Metallica, history.asp (accessed May 13, 2010).
In memory of Cliff Burton RIP Cliff