What is it and how can I use it when I read?? SOAPStone What is it and how can I use it when I read??
SOAPStone What is SOAPStone? How can I use SOAPStone when I read? It is an acronym for Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Subject, and Tone. Reading using SOAPStone encourages critical thinking skills necessary for understanding and evaluating a writing piece. Reading using SOAPStone also helps students formulate ideas for writing argumentative essays. How can I use SOAPStone when I read? Reading and analyzing any non-fiction. Reading and comparing two documents on similar topics (historical, scientific, current events, etc.) Comparing and analyzing works of fiction. Formulating ideas for the purpose of evaluating and argumentation. SOAPStone
SPEAKER: The voice that tells the story. Identifies point of view In fiction, the speaker is not the author In non-fiction, the speaker must be described (important facts about the person) in order to establish point of view SOAPStone
OCCASION: The time and place of the piece; the context that encouraged the writing to happen. Not the same as PURPOSE! Larger occasion – an environment of ideas and emotions that swirl around a broad issue. Immediate occasion – an event or situation that catches the author’s attention (within that larger occasion) and triggers a response. SOAPStone
AUDIENCE: The group of readers to whom this piece is directed. May be one person, a small group, or a large group. Students tend to think that authors just write, not that they write for anyone in particular! SOAPStone
PURPOSE: The reason behind the text. Students must understand purpose in order to examine the argument and its logic. Ask the question, “What does the speaker want the audience to think or do as a result of reading this text?” SOAPStone
SUBJECT: The general topic, content, and ideas contained in the text. Students should be able to state the subject in a few words or a phrase. SOAPStone
TONE: The attitude of the author. Tone extends meaning beyond the literal. Can be found by examining the author’s… Diction (choice of words) Syntax (sentence construction) Imagery (vivid descriptions that appeal to the senses) The ability to determine tone is one of the best indicators of the sophisticated reader! SOAPStone
NOW YOU TRY… Read the following document as it appears in a church bulletin and then in Readers’ Digest magazine. Use SOAPStone to compare and analyze how the same document can have very different meanings depending on where it is published!! SOAPStone
PEACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BULLETIN CHANGE OF PLANS FOR INSTALLATION SERVICE Due to a scheduling conflict with the Super Bowl, the Board of Elders of the church has changed the time for the installation of our new minister from 4:45 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Television consoles will be set up in the education wing of the church. Kickoff is at 4:30. We invite you to join us for an afternoon of celebration – the service of installation, reception following, watching the Super Bowl, and a football-themed buffet. Child care will be available. Clergy: You are invited to robe and process. Please meet in the Board Room by 3:15. SOAPStone
SOAPStone SPEAKER: OCCASION: AUDIENCE: PURPOSE: SUBJECT: TONE: Church member, church secretary Conflict due to Super Bowl Church congregation Inform Change of plans Light, relaxed, informative SOAPStone
PEACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BULLETIN (as it appeared in the Readers’ Digest magazine – joke & cartoon section) CHANGE OF PLANS FOR INSTALLATION SERVICE Due to a scheduling conflict with the Super Bowl, the Board of Elders of the church has changed the time for the installation of our new minister from 4:45 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Television consoles will be set up in the education wing of the church. Kickoff is a 4:30. We invite you to join us for an afternoon of celebration – the service of installation, reception following, the Super Bowl, and a football-themed buffet. Child care will be available. Clergy: You are invited to robe and process. Please meet in the Board Room by 3:15. SOAPStone
SOAPStone SPEAKER: OCCASION: AUDIENCE: PURPOSE: SUBJECT: TONE: RD magazine reader who submitted it Humorous insight RD magazine readers To show “slice of American life” Outlook on life/priorities Joking/lightly mocking SOAPStone
WORK CITED Pre-AP: Interdisciplinary Strategies for English and Social Studies. College Entrance Examination Board: 2004.