1 GSA Expo 2009 Promoting the Buying Green Program at the IRS LaTonya Richardson Procurement Analyst, IRS
2 Getting Started Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA) 1)Does your Agency have a formal, written, documented green purchasing plan, policy or procedure? 2)Does the Agency policy or green purchasing plan define responsibility for: Conducting awareness training? 3)Is your Agency using or planning to use model solicitation and/or contract language to promote its preference for green products? Federal Procurement Data System – Next Generation (FPDS-NG) Reporting 1)EPA Designated Product(s) 2)Recovered Material Clauses
3 RESEARCH What we did have: Policy on Buying Green using the Purchase Card What we didn’t have: Formal, written policy implementing the requirement to purchase Green.
4 IRS GREEN PROCUREMENT PLAN Recycled Content Products & Services; Environmentally Preferable Purchasing; Biobased Products; Energy Star & Energy Efficient Products Water Use Efficiency Program; Vehicles; Non-ozone depleting Substances; Priority Chemicals; Environmentally & Economically Beneficial Landscaping IRS GPP
5 Legal Basis: Executive Order –Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, & Transportation Management — Former President George W. Bush “The Federal government can be a good steward of our resources, and we fully intend to be.”
6 TRAINING EO REQUIRED: “Each agency shall ensure that all personnel whose actions are affected by the E.O. receive initial awareness training as well as necessary refresher training on the goals of the E.O...” 1.Classroom Training 2.On-Line Training (ELMS – Enterprise Learning Management System)
7 Training, Con’t. IRS Green Slogan: “Buying Green is not Taxing! It’s easier than you think!” Promotional items: Ruler with IRS Slogan made from recycled material Ink pen made out of recycled cardboard BioPreferred lip balm – compliments of USDA
10 Establishes guidance for buying green /pandp/pp23-1.pdf /pandp/pp23-1.pdf IRS Green Procurement Plan s/irs_green_procurement_plan.doc provides a detailed description of the Federal Green Procurement Program describes personnel roles and responsibilities P&P 23.1
11 RCRA – Resource Conservation and Recovery Act requires: Purchase of EPA designated products Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG) Recycling System: Collection – Manufacturing – Purchasing.
12 WHAT TO BUY GREEN : Construction Products (carpet, floor tiles); Landscaping Products (garden hoses, mulch); Non Paper Office Products (file folders, toner cartridges); Paper Products (printing paper, sanitary tissue); Park and Recreation Products (benches, playground equipment); Transportation Products (traffic cones & barricades); Vehicular Products (Re-refined oil, Retread tires); and Miscellaneous Products (Awards and Plaques) (Continued)
13 SAMPLE LANGUAGE: The Contractor will indicate how, at a minimum, it will conform to the Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG) published by EPA with respect to recovered material products. The Contractor must update its Program to accommodate all revisions. (Continued)
picture of Henry Ford showing the toughness of his trunk made of soy beans
17 GSA “GREEN” SCHEDULES PRODUCT CATEGORYGSA SCHEDULE Recycled Content ProductsSchedule 75 – Office Products/Supplies and Services and New Products/Technology Energy Efficient (ENERGY STAR)Schedule 70 – General Purpose Commercial IT Equipment, Software and Services Energy Efficient (FEMP)Schedule 56 – Buildings and Building Materials/Industrial Services and Supplies Environmentally Preferable ProductsSchedule 71 I – Furniture and Furnishings Biobased ProductsSchedule 72 I A – Floor Coverings Priority ChemicalsSchedule 66 – Scientific Equipment and Services Non-Ozone Depleting SubstancesSchedule 51 V – Hardware Superstore
18 GSA Advantage Environmental Aisle
20 JOKE OF THE DAY: "Scientists say because of global warming they expect the world's oceans to rise four and a half feet. The scientists say this can mean only one thing: Gary Coleman is going to drown.” -- Conan O'Brien
21 FAR CLAUSES/LANGUAGE MATRIX (IRS GPP, Attachment D) CLAUSE/ PROVISION No. TITLEINC. BY REFERENCE SOLICITATIONCONTRACT/ DELIVERY ORDER/TASK ORDER < 100K CONTRACT/ DELIVERY ORDER/TASK ORDER > 100K FAR CITEPRESCRIPTION Printed or Copied Double Sided on Recycled Paper YESXX4.303Insert in solicitations and contracts that exceed the simplified acquisition threshold Biobased Product Certification X23.406(a)Insert in solicitations that (1) require the delivery or specify the use of USDA- designated items; or (2) Include Affirmative Procurement of Biobased Products Under Service and Construction Contracts XXX23.406(b)Insert in service or construction solicitations and contracts unless the contract will not involve the use of USDA-designated items at ferred or 7 CFR Part ferred Hazardous Material Identification and Material Data FULL TEXT, FILL-IN XXX23.303Insert if the contract will require the delivery of hazardous materials Recovered Material Certification YESX23.406(c) Insert in solicitations that (1) require the use of EPA-designated items; or (2) include the clause , Affirmative Procurement of EPA-designated items in Service & Construction Contracts
22 Working Groups Safety and Environmental Stakeholders Work Group - IRS Real Estate and Facilities Management Division –Monthly Meetings –Coordinate efforts to ensure compliance with EO at the various area territory sites –Coordinate efforts to promote green practices in leased spaces
23 Taking Responsibility Most IRS facilities are in leased spaces Recycle bins in Break Rooms Saving Energy with reminders to turn off lights
24 Taking Responsibility, Con’t. Celebrate Earth Day – sent electronic Tips of the Day for one week leading up to Earth Day. Tips for BUYING green Tips for BEING green Green tips were for work and home
25 Procurement Policy Tip of the day: KEEP IT COOL – CAR POOL! Fewer cars could reduce the demand for new or wider roads, which use up land and natural resources.
26 HAVE YOU TAKEN YOUR ANNUAL GREEN TRAINING AS REQUIRED BY THE OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT POLICY P&P 23.1??? IT’S AVAILABLE IN ELMS, AND DUE ANNUALLY BY JUNE 30th Remember, awareness is the key to protecting our environment & meeting your Procurement requirements.
27 Procurement Policy Tip of the day: TAKE 15 MINUTES – PLANT A TREE! Head to a nursery and pick up a sapling for your yard. Trees reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, so planting one protects the environment. Being Green is not taxing, It’s easier than you think!
28 CAOC Chief Acquisition Excellence Award Winner Paul Denett, OFPP, LaTonya Richardson, IRS, Tom Sharpe, Dept. of Treasury