Stalin – Man Of Steel Patrick Prizeman & Conor Kieran c
An example of the propaganda used by Stalin throughout USSR. We see what looks like happy working family hanging a photo of Stalin as if they where in awe of “The Man Of Steel ”. Stalin used photos like this to portray a message that the people of USSR where happy and adored him when this was not always the case.
During Stalin’s ‘Reign Of Terror’ the media was under his full control thus being able to alter the people of the USSR’s opinion of him. Stalin overstated stories of his acts throughout the 1917 October revolution: Revisionist Stalinism He used the media to create names and titles for himself, for example ‘Father Of Nations’, ‘Brilliant Genius Of Humanity’ and ‘The Gardener Of Human Happiness’. Using the media Stalin re-wrote the history of the October Revolution to portray a more important role of involvement at the expense of Leon Trotsky - old Bolshevik who Stalin feared could expose the truth about him.
Stalinism usually defines the style of a government rather than an ideology. Stalin introduced quotas throughout the USSR. Companies were encouraged to now compete against each other. Rewards were introduced to workers who exceed their quotas, such as bonuses.
Stalin introduced a familiar technique in collecting crop - Collectivisation. The secret police the NKVD were feared immensely as civilians started to ‘disappear’. Many now avoided crime as the punishment was so severe, it was simple, either death or be ‘moved’ to the Gulags.
The Cult of Personality gave Stalin absolute power over the USSR, enabling him to do what he ‘believed’ was right. It placed him in a God-like position throughout the USSR. It cemented his place as the ultimate leader and placed fear in any who opposed him.
In order for Stalin to have ultimate control over the USSR he had to have no threats to allow him to achieve his goals. He quickly started to eliminate the “Old Bolsheviks”. Changing peoples’ opinions of the long serving men with Propaganda. He used ‘Show Trials’ to execute the threats.