MARKETING Prepared By Ausman Mirxxa
MARKETING? Marketing is the process by which companies create customer interest in goods or services. Marketing is used to identify the customer, to satisfy the customer, and to keep the customer.
MARKETIN METHODS Advertising Direct Marketing Guerrilla Marketing Positioning Public Relations Relationship Marketing Viral Marketing
MARKETIN METHODS Advertising: The paid, public, non- personal announcement of a persuasive message by an identified sponsor. Direct marketing is a form of advertising that reaches its audience without using traditional formal channels of advertising. Businesses communicate straight to the consumer with advertising techniques.
MARKETIN METHODS The concept of guerrilla marketing was invented as an unconventional system of promotions that relies on time, energy and imagination rather than a big marketing budget. Positioning your product correctly can make a significant difference in the success of your marketing campaign.
MARKETIN METHODS Public Relations (or PR) is a field concerned with maintaining public image for high-profile people, commercial businesses and organizations, non-profit associations or programs. Relationship Marketing: Customer relationships are key to your marketing strategy.
MARKETIN METHODS Viral marketing: Marketing phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message.
Sales Tools, Tips and Techniques! The words and phrases you use when you communicate with prospects will have a great bearing on how you appear to customers as well as the outcome of your sales, e.g Instead of cheaper say less expensive Instead of worthless say less value Instead of let me tell you say based on my experiences
Sales Tools, Tips and Techniques! Instead of beginner's guide say basic steps Instead of less dangerous say safer Instead of it's in great condition say it's been well cared for Instead of the latest thing say breakthrough idea Instead of I can't tell you say those are guarded secrets
List of Basic Skills that Every Sales Person Should Have Ability to Listen Asks Great Questions Problem Solver Well Organized Self-Starter and Self-Finisher Well Mannered and Courteous Naturally Persuasive Person of Integrity
PRINT SALES & MARKETING TECHNIQUES Catchy Words and Slogans: You need to use words in your advertisement that will make the reader want to continue reading the matter in the advertisement. You even do have a choice of using a unique slogan for your brand.
PRINT SALES & MARKETING TECHNIQUES Celebrities and Famous Personalities: If you have a substantial budget for advertising, you can ask a famous celebrity to promote your product in the print ad.
PRINT SALES & MARKETING TECHNIQUES Readable Advertisements: Make sure the advertisement is readable enough for the people to understand. Do not use fancy fonts which would make the reader find it difficult to read. Also use common words that will pass on the idea clearly.
PRINT SALES & MARKETING TECHNIQUES Testimonials: If you want to increase sales, it is suggested that you include testimonials from people who have already used the product and are sharing their experiences.
PRINT SALES & MARKETING TECHNIQUES Include an Offer: It is a proven fact that people are more attracted to those advertisements which include any kind of offer and discount.
PRINT SALES & MARKETING TECHNIQUES Mention your Contact Details: In a print advertisement, you need to add up all details about your company and contact information. This will portray your brand as trustworthy.
PRINT SALES & MARKETING TECHNIQUES Talk about the Product Benefits: Many companies include too much information about the features of the product. This generally results in low sales. Instead, the company should focus more on the benefits that the product is related to.
PRINT SALES & MARKETING TECHNIQUES Consider Direct Communication: If you are including a picture of a person in the print advertisement, it is better to make the person look as if he is looking directly into the eyes of the reader.