Animal Farm Chapters 8 and 9
Animal Farm Chapters 8 and 9 1. After the executions the animals notice that a commandment has been changed and blame it on their faulty memories. 2.The animals continue to work on the windmill and are often hungry and cold. 3. 4. Napoleon has taken the title of “Leader”
Animal Farm Chapters 8 and 9 1. Minimus has written a poem in honor of Napoleon and inscribed it on the barn wall. 2. 3. Negotiations favor Mr. Fredrick and the animals are taught to hate Mr. Pilkington. 4. 5. The animals are taught to hate Mr. Fredrick with equal ferocity.
Animal Farm Chapters 8 and 9 1. The animals praise Napoleon for accepting cash for the timber and not check. 2. The animals complete the windmill. 3. 4. 5.Mr Fredrick and his men destroy the windmill with dynamite!
Animal Farm Chapters 8 and 9 1. The animals are enraged and attack Mr. Fredrick. 2. 3. The animals cheer up at the raising of the flag ceremony. 4. 5. The pigs look bleary-eyed and sick the next morning.
Animal Farm Chapters 8 and 9 1. The animals find squealer near the barn holding a paintbrush and a ladder. 2. 3.When the read the commandments they are surprised but blame their memories again
Quiz Time! 1.Why do the animals not rebel when they catch Squealer by the barn with paint? What is holding them back? What is allegorical about this situation? 2. Explain Orwell's use of irony displayed in Minumus' poem. 3.How does Orwell explore the problem of rhetoric in the story? Pay close attention to the character of Squealer and how his language is used as a form of social control.
Quiz Time! 4. Describe the negotiations of Napoleon with the other farmers. Why are the animals so confused? What event in history does this symbolize and does George Orwell effectively portray it in his fable? 5. What is happening on the farm? What is changing and why? What is Orwell satirizing and give examples.
Animal Farm Chapters 8 and 9 1. The animals again try to rebuild the windmill. 2.Boxer is still injured by tries to show no sign of being in pain and refuses to leave work. 3. 4. Squealer produces stats that even though reduced they are receiving more food than under Mr. Jones. 5.Squealer states when the pigs and dogs receive more nourishment everyone benefits.
Animal Farm Chapters 8 and 9 1.They begin the spontaneous demonstrations that the animals do not like, but the sheep drown the complaints out with “four legs good, two legs bad”. 2. 3.The government now reveals details about Snowball and how he fought against the animals at the battle of cowshed. 4. 5.The pigs denounce Moses but allow him to live on the farm without working.
Animal Farm Chapters 8 and 9 1.Boxer collapses while pulling a stone. 2. 3. 4. Boxer is unable to escape. 5.
Animal Farm Chapters 8 and 9 1. Squealer claims to have been at Boxer’s side when he died and says Boxer died while praising the glories of Animal Farm. 2. 3.The farm receives a package from the grocer, and sounds erupt in triumph from within. It is rumored the pigs received more whiskey.