Our sexuality was given to us by God, and our need for romantic companionship is provided for by Him. Lesson #1
The purpose of Sex goes far beyond hormones, physical pleasure, and reproduction; it is deeply spiritual – it is meant to portray the kind of unity that the triune God enjoys, and it is also meant to portray the intimacy & love that Christ has for the Church Lesson #1
Sex is defined by more than just intercourse – it also includes “outercourse,” and lust (Matt 5:27- 32). Sex is any thought or physical touch that results in sexual gratification. Lesson #2
Sex between a husband & wife is “good sex,” i.e., it is blessed and encouraged by God; all sex outside of marriage is “bad sex,” i.e., it is condemned and judged by God (Heb 13:4). Lesson #3
God blesses both marriage & singleness (one is not inherently better than the other), and He establishes both for differing spiritual reasons, and they are both gifts of God. Lesson #4
Purpose of Lesson #5 To provide direction & hope to those who must live indefinitely as singles without the prospect of ever getting married/remarried. (Situation # 1, 6) To provide Biblical guidelines for dating. (Situation # 2, 3, 4) *note* Situation # 5 will be discussed in question & answer session. Also, there will be a further discussion about dating & divorce posted on anonymous central)