Poster Research
The act of symmetry draws the attention of the audience to the house, therefore hinting at the danger within the film. Furthermore the film’s genre is also shown through this as it draws on the theme of abandonment and the constant idea of you being watched. This idea can be used for our production through as we have the same theme of ‘Being watched’ therefore we may consider using symmetry to portray this. The weapon here is concealed, however the audience can see it. Therefore, this adds the element of mystery and secrets. The blood on the weapon also hints at the danger and death which will be seen through out the film, therefore alerting the audience to it’s horror element. The film information is centred in the middle of the poster and also the writing slowly becomes smaller. This is to almost lead the audiences eyes to the house which is the main focal point of the poster. The actors name’s are shown in the centre of the poster as it helps ‘lead’ the audience’s eyes to the middle of the page. The names also inform the audience of who will be in the film. Thus hitting the targeted audience. The white of the typography also contrasts with the red ‘Funny games’. It also matches with the ‘white’ of the background and the t-shirt’s of the actors. This is informing the audience of the release date. The white once again matches the other use of white within the poster. The use of ‘Fog’ or mist reinforces the effect of hidden messages and the ‘Unknown’. The aspect of the ‘other’ or ‘unknown’ is also backed up through the added image of the words. This also suggests restriction and isolation. Our group will be using the same concept by using darkness to create mystery. The added opinion of critics will influence the target audience into seeing the film. This is why the text is bigger than the other text on the poster.
The typography used is much like the font found on a digital camera. This matches the general theme of the film. Our group will use similar font to this because of the similar themes between both productions. Furthermore the ‘white’ contrasts with the black background. Therefore making it stand out more. It also matches the main actress’s clothing, therefore showing that they are linked. Carrying on, the text is separated from the picture, therefore emphasising the theme of abandonment. The blood contrasts with the white clothing. This suggests the danger and horror themes which flow through the movie. The blood is also partly hidden by the darkness. This suggests the theme of the unknown. It also suggests the theme of death. The facial expression of the actress is the main focal point of the picture. The woman’s face is also at the most lit point of the poster. This allows the audience to see the ‘terror’ and ‘panic’. The light is also projected onto the woman’s face to also show the sweat and dirt which is on her, therefore hinting at the danger which is within the film. The faded ‘Rec’ effect suggests a hint of uncertainty The subtitle for the film is located just above the main title. The typography matches the rest of the poster, therefore linking them together. Furthermore, the white once again stands out against the black background once again. The ‘red circle’ which resembles a film recorder is used. This is done to portray the way the film is filmed but to also suggest various genres which it features. Our group will use a similar effect when making our poster. However, we will edit and change it to make the red light look more piercing and intrusive upon the man actress which will feature in our poster. Like the last poster, the dates have been added to the poster inform the target audience of the release dates. Therefore informing the audience of all the information that they need to know.
‘Rec’: English Poster The tagline used is ‘Experience fear’. This is used to draw the audience into watching the film by emphasising the horror theme. The tagline also suggests that the film is not just a film, but it something that will change you from the ‘experience’ that you will encounter. It also suggests that the film is not just a visual experience. The image is at the audiences eye level. This technique is used to appear more frightening and invading to the audience. In addition the eyes of the actor are also hidden, therefore suggesting mystery and hints of evil. Like the foreign version of the poster, the darkness conveys the hellish theme which runs through the film. The title typography and style is the same as the foreign version. Therefore, for the effects and the suggestions made by the title, please look at the previous slide. The hair of the character is messy and un kept. This suggests that the film contains terror and horror as the main suggests the problems that she has encountered which has lead her to look like this. The black used for the background also contrasts with the white and red used. Therefore making them stand out even more as it makes the title look more sharp to the audiences’ eye. The logo of the production company can be seen here. This allows the audience to associate the production team with other films that they might of done. Therefore, this could persuade the audience to view the film ( Or n some cases avoid it) The rest of the cast are listed here. This is here to obviously credit them for there work, but also it could allow the audience to recognise them from other productions. Therefore, like the production logo, it may persuade the audience to see the film.
The films location can be easily justified as being in the City. From this, our group will use a similar shot like this to establish that our location is in the town as well. Furthermore, the main actor is shown as being alone to maybe emphasise the danger and isolation that he may be have to face during the film. Therefore, this hints at certain themes and problems which may be featured within the film which will lure the viewer into watching the film. This is positioned in the centre of the poster as it is the main focal point of it. This is because of the perception which the buildings create when looking at them. Furthermore, the use of ‘Your’ and ‘crime’ suggests the theme of personal invasion and terror. Also the personal pronoun talks to the audience directly which makes them involved with the poster. The weather can bee seen in this poster. This ‘Pathetic Fallacy’ is used to hint at the hidden themes that are showing within the film. The storm also hints at the dangers that the characters will face. It could also help to set the scene or location of the film. From this, our group will be emphasising darkness and the night time that the film will be set. This will be to suggest the horror and thriller themes that flow through our short film. This is placed here to interest the audience into seeing the film even more because of the famous actor being emphasised. Furthermore, the white typography suggests innocence, therefore hinting that he is the main hero within the film. The font is also bold, therefore expressing the actors importance. The red text is used to stand out against the rest of the poster. This is because the style of font and colour is not used against any other part of the poster. This information informs the audience about the director. Therefore, this attracts the audience into watching the film as the director has previously directed other high rated and blockbuster movies.