Advertising. What is being advertised? Who is advertising? Who is the intended audience? Is this visually/ intellectually stimulating? What message is.


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Presentation transcript:


What is being advertised? Who is advertising? Who is the intended audience? Is this visually/ intellectually stimulating? What message is being conveyed?

What is being advertised? Campari is a bitter Italian aperitif. It is a proprietary blend of herbs and spices, is a brilliant red color, and has an extremely unique flavor which may take some getting used to

Who is advertising? Alcoholic Beverage Company

Who is the intended audience?

Is this visually/ intellectually stimulating? What is the focus? People/ Characters in the work? Significance? Interaction between people? Mood? Colors Symbols Anything that seems odd? What message is being conveyed?

Does it get your attention? Is it memorable? Does it make you want the product?

What is being advertised? Who is advertising? Who is the intended audience?

What is the focus? People/ Characters in the work? Significance? Interaction between people? Mood? Colors Symbols Anything that seems odd?

Does it get your attention? Is it memorable? Does it make you want the product?