+ Round Robin Writing: Social Class in Jane Eyre Ms. Bauer 9H English
+ Round Robin Writing Instructions You will be given a writing prompt. Write a paragraph in response to the writing prompt. The prompt will ask for your personal opinion. Back it up with evidence, either from your life, or from the book. Move one desk in front of you and read the response of that student. Respond to that student’s paragraph in writing. Move one more desk in front of you and read both responses on the page. Respond again in writing. Repeat once more. Repeat the process with a new writing prompt.
+ What is Social Class? Social class is a category determined by social and economic status in society. How much money a person has and makes, the type of work a person does, and the level of education a person has all play into social class.
+ Writing Prompts The characters in Jane Eyre come from a variety of social classes. Compare and contrast TWO characters who come from different social classes. In what ways does Bronte portray them as similar? In what ways does Bronte portray them as different? Do you think social class is important in our society? In what ways? How do you feel about social class in American culture? Prompt 1:Prompt 2:
+ Writing Prompts What do you think is Bronte’s overall message, or theme, of social class? Does she argue that social class is important or unimportant in marriage, work, and life in general? Use an example to support your idea. In chapter 33, Jane discovers that she has inherited a great sum of money. She decides to share the money with her newfound relatives. Do you agree with her choice? What would you have done in her shoes? Prompt 3:Prompt 4: