- Process of breaking up the whole study into constituent parts of categories. - To focus the essential features of the study ANALYSIS of data
Having the same quality or kind { } QUALITATIVE Having the same quality or kind
{ } QUANTITATIVE Grouped according to their quantity { } QUANTITATIVE Grouped according to their quantity -example: grouped into ages of 10-14, 15-19, etc.
{ } GEOGRAPHICAL Classified according to their location { } GEOGRAPHICAL Classified according to their location -example: schools may be grouped by their district or division
{ } CHRONOLOGICAL Classified according to the order of their occurrence -example: classified according to school years ‘01-’02, ‘02-’03, etc.
{ } STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Descriptive Statistics: { } STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Descriptive Statistics: Measures of central tendency, measures of variability Frequency distribution Inferential Statistics: -Probability, hypothesis testing, statistical significance
of data PRESENTATION - Intelligible and interpretable - organizing data into logical, sequential and meaningful categories for study and interpretation. - Intelligible and interpretable PRESENTATION of data
TEXTUAL Supplement tabular presentation DISADVATAGES: Boring to read, especially if long Reader may skip statements Uses statements with numerals or number to describe data. Focus to important data
TABULAR Facilitate study and interpretation Advantages Concise easily read and compared Systematic arrangement of related data. Rows and columns present the relationship of numerical facts
Important Parts of Tables and Graphs: Table/Graph Number Used for reference purposes, preferably in Arabic 2. Title - The subject matter that the table deals with 3. Prefatory note - Explains unclear items in the table 3.Footnote -Explain, clarifies or qualifies some items in the table 4. Source note - The origin or source. Not necessary if the sources of the data are the respondents to a questionnaire or interview.
GRAPHICAL May be in pictorial or diagrammatic form. Advantages: Attracts more attention, less likely to be overlooked Comprehensive view of quantitative data Grasp essential facts quickly. A chart representing the quantitative changes of a variable. May be in comparison with other variables Most attractive and appealing way to present data Disadvantages: Not as accurate as tables Require more skill and time
TYPES OF GRAPHS Bar Graphs a. Single Vertical Bar Graph b. Single Horizontal c. Grouped bar Graph d. Duo-directional e. Component Bar Graph f. Histogram
TYPES OF GRAPHS 2. Linear Graphs a. Time Series or Chronological line chart b. Composite Line Chart c. Frequency Polygon d. Ogive e. Band Chart
TYPES OF GRAPHS 3. Hundred percent Graphs or charts a. Subdivided bar b. Circle or Pie Graph 4. Pictograms
BAR GRAPHS Single Vertical Bar Graph Bars are constructed vertically Bars portray the magnitudes of the categories Usually used to depict time series data
BAR GRAPHS a. Single Vertical Bar Graph
BAR GRAPHS b. Single Horizontal Bar Graph Bars are constructed Horizontally Usually used to compare magnitudes of different categories
BAR GRAPHS b. Single Horizontal Bar Graph
BAR GRAPHS c. Grouped Bar Graph Used to compare two or more categories of a variable during a specific period of time Subgroups of the categories have common attributes
BAR GRAPHS c. Grouped Bar Graph
BAR GRAPHS Bilateral Bar Graph Present data in forms of assets, profits and positive numbers, liabilities, losses and negative numbers Presence of positive and negative values
BAR GRAPHS d. Bi-lateral Bar Graph
BAR GRAPHS e. Component Bar Graph Shows variation or changes of the components parts of a whole and the whole itself
BAR GRAPHS f. Histogram Bars placed side by side, heights indicate the magnitudes of their classes For grouped or class frequency distributions
BAR GRAPHS f. Histogram
LINE GRAPHS A. Time series linear chart Depict variations of a variable over a period of time
LINE GRAPHS B. Time series composite charts comparisons made between or among two or more categories
LINE GRAPHS B. Time series composite charts
LINE GRAPHS C. Frequency Polygon Graph class or grouped frequency distribution Counterpart of histogram Connecting the midpoints of the classes
LINE GRAPHS C. Frequency Polygon
LINE GRAPHS D. Ogive Graph of the cumulative frequencies Either upward or downward
LINE GRAPHS E. Band Chart Proportional variations of the component parts of a whole over a period of time
ONE HUNDRED PER CENT GRAPHS 100% bar graph or rectangular chart Division of a 100% graph where the parts are divided per segment Largest segment at the bottom
ONE HUNDRED PER CENT GRAPHS Pie chart or Circle Graph Equated to 100% 1% of the graph is equated to 3.6 degrees
ONE HUNDRED PER CENT GRAPHS Pie chart or Circle Graph
PICTOGRAMS Portray data by means of pictures or symbols. Vivid comparison of magnitude
Pictorial display of data USE THE RIGHT TYPE OF GRAPHIC!! BAR GRAPH Comparison -Categories of data Vertical Portray magnitude Horizontal Compare magnitude Grouped Compare categories Bilateral Positive negative values Component Proportions of a whole Histogram Frequency distribution LINE GRAPH - Display trends over time Time series Time period Composite line Different categories Frequency polygon Ogive Cumulative frequency Band Chart Components of a whole 100% GRAPHS - Show percentages and proportion Rectangular bar graph Proportions of a 100% Pie Graph Proportion of a 100% PICTOGRAMS Pictorial display of data
of data INTERPRETATION Discuss the summary of the implications of the findings Possible meaning, probable causes and effects, suggestions to a situation or condition from the findings. INTERPRETATION of data
-Adding meaning to information by making connections and comparisons Condition or situation Probable cause Probable effect Suggestion or recommendation Entity or area affected
EXISTENCE OF A CONDITION Are there any outliers or discrepancies in the data? A significant finding discovered in the research May be favorable or unfavorable A generalization formed from the findings EXISTENCE OF A CONDITION
PROBABLE CAUSE OF CONDITION - A logical and valid relationship between the condition and the cause. - Causes may be inferred from other researches and studies PROBABLE CAUSE OF CONDITION
PROBABLE EFFECT OF CONDITION - Logical and valid relationship between the condition and its possible effects - May be good or bad PROBABLE EFFECT OF CONDITION
SUGGESTION OR RECOMMENDATION Possible solutions to remedy the unsatisfactory condition. Suggest to continue practice and to strengthen it. SUGGESTION OR RECOMMENDATION
AREA OR ENTITY AFFECTED - Who or what will be affected by the possible effects brought by the conditions / situations in the findings of the study? AREA OR ENTITY AFFECTED
-The students were given enough orientation about the program CONDITION - 56% of the sample select their GIFT class to develop their talents and skill 2. CAUSES -The students were given enough orientation about the program - Students intend to develop their skills 3. EFFECTS - By the end of the program, the students would have enhanced their skills 4. SUGGESTION - Continue the implementation of the program 5. AFFECTED -SPCP students who are enrolled in GIFT
GROUP ACTIVITY!! What are the 3 general ways of presenting data? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Construct a graph for this data: Enrolment of High School Student, 1990-1991 Year Level Boys Girls I 124 141 II 115 139 III 109 128 IV 98
3. Why did you choose to use this graph 4 3. Why did you choose to use this graph 4. What are the similarities and differences of the ff: frequency polygon, histogram and ogives? 5. Give a 3-7 sentence interpretation of the data from # 2