Discover Perak Tourism Icons Through Web GIS Dato’ Dr. Dolbani Mijan Director Perak Town & Country Planning Department The topic is about how we use the current Web GIS technology to map out the Perak Tourism Icon. We’ve used GIS mainly in our day to day operation especially in physical planning and giving out planning advise in Perak state context.
OUTLINE BACKGROUND OBJECTIVE HOW IT’S DONE CONCLUSION My presentation will covers the background of the project, the objective, how it is done and finally the conclusion.
BACKGROUND Perak is a state which is rich with tourism attractions Such as natural attractions, man made attractions, agricultural, and heritage and culture Perak Introduces 10 Tourism Icons for the Visit Perak Year 2012 Perak state is very rich with vast attractions that can be categorized into four tourism resources categories such as natural resources or eco-tourism, man made attraction, agriculture or agro tourism, and heritage and culture. In conjunction with Visit Perak Year 2012, 10 attractions have been chosen as tourism icons for the state and the state government has targeted to achieve 5 million tourists arrival in Perak for this year.
BACKGROUND The 10 Tourism Icons for Perak Visit Perak Year 2012 The 10 Icon for Perak are : i. Matang mangrove swamp forest, ii. Lumut and Pangkor Island iii. Gua Tempurung largest limestone cave in Peninsular Malaysia, iv. Perak Herbal Park, v. Royal town of Kuala Kangsar, vi. Felda Residence Hotsprings in Sungai Klah, Sungkai; vii. Orang Utan Island at Bukit Merah Laketown Resort, viii. Royal Belum world's oldest rainforest, ix. Taiping Zoo, and x. Ipoh, which is well known for its beautiful limestone hills and diversity of food. Now we’ve know the 10 icons, but where are they?
HOW IT’S DONE This slide show how GEOSERVER looks like. As I’ve mentioned just now thet GeoServer is a Java-based software server that allows users to view and edit geospatial data. Using open standards set forth by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), GeoServer allows for great flexibility in map creation and data sharing. I would it is the CORE ELEMENT for the ecosystem. GEOSERVER : Manage and Publish layers using OGC Web Map Services e.g. WFS / WMS
BACKGROUND JPBD Perak has maintained some layers that relate to tourism attraction as part of Perak-GIS data layer but have never been publish to web. All this while JPBD Perak has maintained some geospatial layers that related to tourism such as attractions including those 10 tourism icons, amenities, transportation and etc, but never been published on the web. Therefore the department has undertaken an initiative to make the geospatial data accessible on web by using technology based on Free Open Source Software for GIS (FOSS4G). This application provides capabilities i.e. visualization such as distribution of attractions, information and its’ accessibilities.
MAP AVAILABILITY Some limited and Uninteractive maps are available We’ve found out that there are tourist maps are available for Perak, but all of them are in graphic map, not the one which produced or rendered using GIS technology. We have the data layers in our GIS but have yet to publish to the web. This how the idea came about and it is also in line with the Visit Perak Year 2012.
OBJECTIVE To publish our current data layer on Tourist Attractions in Perak To develop know-how on WEB-GIS development using some FOSS4G solutions Complement existing Perak Tourism Website The objective of this project are basically to publish our current data layer on Tourist Attractions in Perak to the web. Secondly, we wanted to try out some Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) solutions to develop WEB-GIS application; and Hopefully this will to complement existing Perak Tourism Website in term of mapping out the attractions.
HOW IT’S DONE Existing data conversion & Enhancement Prepare data layer and publish it as MAP SERVICES using Geoserver Develop client using Openlayers Serve the client web via WEB SERVER Let’s move to the development processes….In this initiative, we‘ve chosen GeoServer as the map server, and OpenLayers as the map client, GeoServer is a Java-based software server that allows users to view and edit geospatial data. Using open standards set forth by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), GeoServer allows for great flexibility in map creation and data sharing. GeoServer allows you to display your spatial information to the world. Implementing the Web Map Service (WMS) standard, GeoServer can create maps in a variety of output formats . I believe the concept of services can helps us uphold geospatial sharing spirit. I believe you can google , or bing, those mentioned software for more info. OpenLayers is a pure Javascript client-side library, it has no dependencies on server-side scripts or software. We have found that this combination provides the ability to simply serve map data on the web without high license fees and with a minimum setup effort. In addition, the system provides good performance and reliability.
HOW IT’S DONE Serve Publish Map Services Develop Web Interactive Map Map Client Interactive Map As mentioned previously, several STEPS and TOOLS/SOFTWARE needed in this initiative. Our staff who involved gained knowledge on the development process from the web due the nature of Open Source..main references are on the web such mailing list, community forum etc Firstly, all available data is prepared and stored in either file based (shapefile) or geodatabase. Secondly, the data is published as Map Service such Web Map Services (WMS) or Web Feature Services (WFS) Thirdly, web client is developed using Openlayers where and mashed up with 3rd party map services such Google Map And finally the web client apps is published to the web. c Data preparation /conversion Mash-up e.g. Google Map/ OSM
LOOK n FEEL Map Panel MapTools Layer Treel Legend Panel Next …’ll show you couple of slides with ‘screenshot’ of the Web GIS that we’ve developed such ads this slide This slide shows the distribution of the 10 Tourism Icon of Perak . In this slide we’ve mashed-up geospatial data layer from two different map services. Our data layer (from Geoserver) and Google Map Service. The application consists of 4 basic panel which include Map Tools, Map Panel, Layer Tree and Legend Panel. Legend Panel
LOOK n FEEL For each tourism icon, we’ve embedded photos and url link up with the detailed info that available on portal.
LOOK n FEEL We’ve also published other attractions that Perak has to offer and link it with Google search in order to help visitor to get info about the place of interest.
CONCLUSION Created tourist map that portray the 10 icon of Perak We’ve developed know how in term of developing Web GIS by using new approach Able deliver more geospatial information to the Perak-GIS stakeholder in efficient way. In conclusion, we’ve developed WEB GIS map on Perak Tourism Icon and deliver it out to the web. We’ve also developed know how in term of developing Web GIS by using new approach like OGC Map Services, Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) etc. The application can be potentially enhance with features such as routing and web 2.0 such as visitors’ reviews, ratings, social media etc. I believe this small steps has taken us further to be able to deliver more geospatial information to the Perak-GIS stakeholder in efficient way . For you information, my department has been put in charged of the development of Perak-GIS which the role would be as the State Geospatial Data Center for Perak. SGDC promotes data sharing and we believe map services concept which we’ve use in this project is one of great tool to achieve that. -End-